-David Sedaris
"Me Talk Pretty One Day"
I found a poem I wrote some time ago. I called it "GENTLE". I share it with you today. I know I wrote it almost ten years ago but I still recall the feelings in "me" as I wrote these words:
by Michael Armijo
A gentle sound all around me
Refrigerator vibes gently by thee
How gentle feeling a baby's hand
Seychelles Islands all white sand
Read the word 'gentle' on ye door
Feel relaxed more and more
Be always a gentle man
Calm and cool as James Bond can
A scholar and a reader be
Warm blankets and a park shade tree
How gentle is a lady bug
Fancy a nap on a quilted rug
Gentle piano music at play
Grimace the gray from the day
Improve the bubbles in a tub
Fantasize the perfect rub
Blink to focus and see brand new
Screen all people to very few
Sing, dance, read or write
Do it gently, improve thy light
I believe I was partly inspired to write this "Gentle" poem by a song called "A GENTLE SOUND" by The Railway Children.
Twenty-five years ago today:
November 27, 1984
I sold my six RCF’s today for the Professional Nurse’s Bureau. It was that order I had while on my initial training day. I was rewarded with a smile. That is all.
At lunchtime Karyn and I had fun fiddling with my umbrella in the rain and searching for a vendor that would sell us BART tickets. We also went to Emporium where Karyn bought her brother two shirts (the corduroy one was very nice).
The end of the day was kind of building up with a lot of follow-up work. It was when I received a personal call via a ‘While You Were Out’ message from Teresa that caught my eye. It was Bob Umland calling from Wilkes-Bashford. He was returning my call after all. The written detailed message was: “Call me tonight”.
I am looking forward to know Bob. He seems a gentleman and a righteous man. It was funny how Danny Garcia mentioned how he had such nice handwriting, too.
This Friday I have a tentative date after work with Carl to see his Raleigh bicycle which I may purchase. If it rains it’s a ‘no go’. After receiving my VISA credit card bill I don’t relish the idea of making the purchase for another bike.
I had “din din” with mom and Tony and then came to my place to exercise a bit. Eating too much and staying too long at mom’s house is dangerous to my waistline (not to mention my independence).
Certain people flock into my mind sometimes. I wonder about them. Cheryl Theiman, a high-school gal I had a crush on, is seen occasionally at the BART station in the early mornings. And Gordon, the old gent who seems to run into me purposely, just likes to gab. He’s a nice fellow though. Jim Koran and Jeffrey Burr make me wonder why they do not make the time to communicate with me. There are also the distant ones. Christopher Cordellos has not been heard from in a while. And what of Paloma? Mike Miller? Danny Garcia? Frank Vanconcellos? Tammy Duhr? Gayle Gilbert of Minnesota? Liz of Lafayette? Jennifer of IBM, the one I may or may not pursue.
And I cannot exclude the surprise phone call from Cathy Ainlay…but whatever happened to Lisa Pingatore or George G. Jones (the scared, relentless and insensitive ones).
And Gilbert, the hot-shot modeling agent who has run amok with other duties, failing to call me. Have I missed out on any calls, considering my ‘in and out’ ways while living here? Who knows? If someone really wanted to get in touch with me there would be no problem. I do sleep here after all. If anyone really wanted to talk to me they would call.

I left two messages for Bob Umland. As fate would have it…he was not home as promised for my calls. It’s just as well. I managed to write out fifteen Christmas cards. Now all they need are postage stamps.
I spoke to Bruce briefly when the phone quickly rang back. It was Bob Umland. We had a good talk. I learned that Bob apparently has a real estate business ‘of sorts’ in Santa Rosa. I thought this was impressive.
“I only work at Wilkes-Bashford part-time or alternately,” Bob explained.
Bob is a nice chap. We confirmed a dinner date on Saturday night, so it could/should be fun.
Karyn Kossoff called me just before beddie-bye. We also had a good talk. I told her how I thought it was funny today when she said, “I’m quick.”
“You know, being too quick could sometimes work out to be a disadvantage.”
She debated me on that one, explaining the advantages of being “quick”. At times this is true. She is absolutely right. I could not argue that point.
"She loved you once, you must have earned that somehow."
-as heard while watching the most ridiculous film called
"Run, Fatboy, Run" (the only good line in the film)
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