who shared this line by Buddhist teacher Reginald Ray:
"Our life is not a series of random insignificant, disconnected events. Anything that we do is meaningful in one way or another. So don't waste your day."

Tara, questioned nutritionist and author, Jonny Bowden, who has created several lists of healthful foods people should be eating but aren’t. Some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always available at regular grocery stores. She asked Dr. Bowden, author of “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,” to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don’t always find their way into our shopping carts. Here’s his first pick: BEETS.
Think of beets as red spinach, Dr. Bowden said, because they are a rich source of folate as well as natural red pigments that may be cancer fighters.
How to eat: Fresh, raw and grated to make a salad. Heating decreases the antioxidant power.

THE FACTS: Ancient peoples believed that the color of beets was indicative of their power. Folklore mentions that beets were eaten to aid the blood: Greeks used beets to "cool" blood, and Romans used beets to fight fever.
The Foods and Nutrition Encyclopedia notes that wild beets were gathered for their greens, and that beets were cultivated for their roots around the early Christian era. By the sixteenth century, the red beet had traveled widely and was being used as food by the English.
One cup of raw beets is high in carbohydrates and low in fat. It contains phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium, as well as fiber, vitamins A and C, niacin, and biotin. Beets contain folic acid.
According to John Heinerman, in the Encyclopedia of Healing Juices, beets (and beet juices) are a blood-building herb that detoxifies blood and renews it with minerals and natural sugars.

Dr. H.C.A. Vogel, in The Nature Doctor, states that beet juice contains betaine, which stimulates the function of liver cells and protects the liver and bile ducts. Recent studies point to betaine as contributing to the prevention of coronary and cerebral artery diseases.
Early research in Hungary indicated that beet juice and its powdered form slowed the development of tumors. Heinerman reports that Alexander Ferenczi, M.D., observed beets aiding cancer patients and performed studies that indicated that beets may help animals fight cancer.
Twenty-five years ago today:
February 1, 1985
Well, January 1985 is gone.
I spent much of the month with Paloma as my main attraction and adversary. I love her wildness, her company and high-fashion look. I am thinking now of that one fellow who spontaneously said, "You're one couple that looks good on the beach."
That is so unforgettable to me.
Today, Carl Brooks, Cindy Chow and Barbara Reynolds had the day off.
Surprisingly, Margaret Lai asked, "Michael, would you mind sitting next to me if Hank is transferred to the ASR Group?"
"I wouldn't mind that," I answered with my usual office smile.
Sue and Mary were at a continuation training course for most of the day. Karyn Kossoff had the day off today, too.
At lunch I went to the Emporium Department store to find a gift for Jim Koran. I had no luck. I did buy myself a comb and received the change from my twenty-dollar gift certificate. I had won that certificate from my last month's sales.
This month of February will be tough since it is a short month. There are only nineteen business days.
I had a raunchy customer or two on this first day of February. I got word that Stephanie Redding would not be able to visit me in Alameda tomorrow after all. Her car was hit midday today. Her mom's car is not exactly in very good condition to make the ride (Oh well).
After work I came home to lounge. I stopped over to see Dad for a while. I quickly left for the 24 Hour Nautilus gym at 8PM or so (after Sherri arrived to pick-up Ashley). Sherri and (maybe Ashley) got a kick out of the little yellow chair and table I got for her from work (another perk gift for my sales performance).
My workout was just fine. It was pouring rain on my way there. Alex was there but very unfriendly. Then again, I have not said much to him either. I just go, mind my own business, work up a sweat on the nautilus machines and the LifeCycle. After a quick shower I check-out the scene and then I'm 'outta there'. If it's an exceptionally good workout I treat myself to a vanilla shake (which I did tonight).
When I was at home again by 10:15PM I called Stephanie Redding. I was actually returning her call because she was pleading with apology about not being able to visit.

"I'll tell you what. I'll make up for it with a concert to CHICAGO."
She claimed that her cousin was one of the lead singers.
Stephanie continued. "I am planning on a new Camaro."
"La Dee Dah," I thought, "It sounds like you've got some spare bucks."
Apparently the extra cash is not a reality as she began to explain her attorney fees and the costs to raise her daughter, Tabitha.
The Stephanie scenario is beginning to remind me of Leslie Fonseca and her daughter.
"Do I really want involvement in the IFP (Immediate Family Plan)?" I thought.
"No, probably not."

I wonder if Paloma is having fun and buying more fashionable leotards in Los Angeles.
Stephanie said, "I was just writing you a letter before I started to doze off. You know, I've been told that I am a brunette version of Lady Diana."
And so, I began to really wonder what she actually looks like.
I chose to watch Joan Rivers. Her guests on The Tonight Show included Mayor Ed Koch of New York, actress Elizabeth Ashley and Bill Cosby. After the show I hit the sack. Yawn.
"I must make a fresh start in life.
Hiding the truth deep in my wounded heart, I must advance silently,
taking oblivion and falsehood as my guide..."
-Selected Stories of Lu Xun
"Regret for the Past"
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