-as heard in the 2008
mini-series "John Adams"
Some medical experts call sardines the “health food in a can.” They are high in Omega-3’s, contain virtually no mercury and are loaded with calcium. They also contain iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper and manganese as well as a full complement of B vitamins.
Try to choose sardines that are packed in olive or sardine oil. You may eat them plain, mixed with salad, on toast or crackers, or mashed with Dijon mustard and onions as a spread.
Sardines are an important super food. They are high in purines (which could cause gout--if you are susceptible--so don't overdo the eating process). Always drink water to cleanse.
Sardines are the King of Omega-3’s--Your body needs but does not manufacture essential Omega-3 fatty acids—you must get them from the foods you eat. And odds are, your diet is deficient. Nordic sardines are a top source, offering as much as 2.8 grams of Omega-3’s in every 85 gram serving.
Sardines are filled with High-Quality Protein--A single 85 gram serving of sardines will supply you with some 11 grams of protein, without a lot of saturated fats, and just a mere 85 or so calories. This ratio is ideal for turbo-charging your weight-loss formula.
Sardines have Calcium, Vitamin D, and Phosphorous--You know you need calcium for strong bones. But did you know that research has linked higher-calcium diets with decreased fat storing and increased fat burning? A serving of sardines offers you almost three times the calcium in a cup of milk, plus the vitamin D and phosphorous required for calcium absorption.

Sardines are perfect for Safety and Purity--Experts agree that we need more fish in our diet. Nordic sardines might be the safest choice. Low on the food chain and netted in clean waters, these fish have the least chance of methyl mercury and other contaminants.
Twenty-five years ago today:
February 8, 1985
All right! It's the last day of the work week. I was starving this morning, so the blueberry muffin did its job.

Our section was looking forward to 3PM. Our section was departing early for a late lunch at Sinbad's.
Earlier, I telephoned mom after not having called in a few days. She was watching "The Young & The Restless" with John and Ashley. She did not have a whole lot of news to report.
3PM arrived and lunch at Sinbad's was fun. I was at the head of the table. I was seated next to Cindy Chow and Stephanie Bautista. Carl Brooks was not at work today (nor did he attend the lunch). I think Carl may have been trying to spite Stephanie for the intense talk they had yesterday. I know he was late and has recurring tardies over the last four months. Who knows what else may be going on? All I know is that those who were present had a good lunch as we shared some good laughs.
Dale Orlando came over at approximately 5PM. We had a pretty interesting chat. By the end of the evening I had about enough of Dale. I was tired of his lewd remarks about hints of me stripping for him! He was even suggesting that I show him my 'pee-pee' or having a 'circle jerk'. Where does he learn these terms? While I hope he was kidding he did share a few memorable stories tonight.
Dale shared a story of how he almost committed suicide over some dude.
"I was at Highland Hospital at one time for about three days in 1982," Dale said.
I tried to share a bit of my trauma but my stories never seemed to compare. We were at Leticio's, a restaurant on Market Street while we had this discussion.
"You know Anita, the older lady in our office?"
"Yeah, what about her?"
"She greeted me one morning wearing only her slip when I went to pick her up to go to work," Dale revealed.
"Really? That doesn't seem like her. That's shocking!"
And then, Dale continued with more sensational stories.
"This is confidential, okay? You know Ryan, right?"
"Well, he told me he was at the same gym that David Vigil goes to, they were taking a shower together. Ryan bent over to get some soap or something and David started to get a hard-on. A very little hard-on."
My eyes immediately understood what he was getting at and we both started laughing.
"That's too funny. You know, Randy Evans, told me that he had seen Dave doing some strange things. Randy said that Dave was stuffing things inside his shorts to make his private area have more of a bulge."
Dale started laughing.

I also felt a need for more transference since he shared so much with me. I told him about my unknown child through artificial insemination. Dale was quite enthralled with the story.
"No more," I said when Dale kept badgering me for more personal information.
"Just tell me, are you bi?"
"That's enough," I shouted and I did not admit to anything in that regard. I tried to change the subject.
"So...tell me, Dale. Who have you 'made it' with in the office?"
"I won't say."
I knew he was giving me a taste of my own medicine.
"Well, I have. I've made it with someone in the office."
"I won't say."
"I can guess. Ryan, right?"
I laughed, thinking 'no such luck', "There's no way!"
Dale started to explain about the colored handkerchiefs and what they mean in the gay world.
Dale said, "If you are walking around with a blue handkerchief in your back right pocket it means that you like to get head."
I couldn't help but laughing.
"It's true," Dale said.
So I took Dale's handkerchief and put it in my back right pocket.
The evening was going overtime. We got my car and a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream at a Convenient Mart, then proceeded over to my place. As promised, I interpreted Dale's TAROT cards. He thought my interpretations were uncannily correct. Hurrah!
Dale continued to surprise me as he pouted like a small boy and stuttered.
"You know Michael, I was molested by my dad at fifteen years old. And...at at at seventeen I had recurring sex with my mothers' neighbors, a married couple."
His stutter never bothered me. It happened a lot at work with him. I just thought it strange to hear the many stories he has and can so easily share.

Dale left my house by 11PM or so. Then I went to the gym (at this very late hour). That's why they call it 24-Hour Nautilus. It was a difficult work out after my drinking cocktails and Bailey's Irish Cream beforehand. I took a brief jacuzzi and sauna afterward. While in the shower some black guy was showering near me and flaunting (or so it seemed). Creepy. I left the showers, dried off and went home. 'Good night' at 2AM.
Oh yes, I almost forgot. Steffanie Redding called while Dale was here at my pad. I received a photograph of her and her daughter. She looks okay. She looks a bit like Betty Crowton (one of my brother Tony's number one flames from way back). Then again...the photograph is so miniature that it is all so questionable as to what her figure looks like. It's beyond me. It was time for sensual dreams and sleep.
"All people have things they consider to be private and that they don't go around airing in public."
-Steig Larsson
"The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo"
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