-Stefan Zweig
"The Post-Office Girl"
Cabbage is loaded with nutrients like sulforaphane, a chemical said to boost cancer-fighting enzymes. You could eat cabbage as Asian-style slaw or as a crunchy topping on burgers and sandwiches.
Modern science has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the health benefits and therapeutic value of cabbage plays a role in the inhibition of infections and ulcers. Cabbage extracts have been proven to kill certain viruses and bacteria in the laboratory setting. Cabbage boosts the immune system's ability to produce more antibodies. Cabbage provides high levels of iron and sulphur, minerals that work in part as cleansing agents for the digestive system.

There are many different varieties of cabbage, so please, be brave and innovative. Green cabbage is the most popular, common and of course the one we are most familiar with. Take a walk on the wild side with Savoy cabbage. With yellow crinkled leaves, you can use this variety of cabbage as an alternate in many recipes. Let's not forget Bok Choy, a routine addition to Chinese recipes that has a sweet, light, celery type familiarity. Red Cabbage. It goes without saying in that it simply has to be good for you given all that beautiful plant pigment where the majority of nutrition is stored. Red cabbage is good in salads and is commonly pickled. Napa cabbage has a mild sweet taste and is incredible in stir fry dishes.
Cabbage contains lactic acid that acts to disinfect the colon. Cabbage can also be used to reduce headache pain.

Cabbage may lower the incidence of cancer, especially in the lung, stomach and colon prostate. It is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcer.
Do not forget to crave your cabbage.
Twenty-five years ago today:
February 2, 1985
Well, Let's see. Marty Louie told me last Thursday that he'd be coming over on Sunday. And now, Stephanie is not coming today after all. So, what do I do with myself on this Saturday? I could wash clothes. Somehow I'd like to 'save' that activity.
I visited mom's for breakfast and watched two taped Tonight Shows with Joan Rivers as hostess. I meandered on home to sleep until 2:30PM. I was 'out of it'. Finally, I increased my energy levels and set forth on a bike ride to my gym in San Leandro. I realized that I had left my 'combination lock' on my locker the previous night. I was hoping that it was turned in and that I would retrieve it today.

Scott, the Nautilus Manager, was such an asshole. He claimed that there were no locks to look through after the receptionist 'point blank' told me that there was a whole box full of combination locks that people are always forgetting.
That missing lock got me down. I have to admit that I was relieved a bit when a blond gentleman (who works at the gym) apologized for my not being able to locate my lost lock.
I had a reasonable workout. As I was washing up in the locker room a strange, elder gent asked, "Is the steam room co-ed?"
"Oh good, because I wasn't sure if I had to put some shorts on if I went in there."
He kept checking me out as I was looking in the mirror, straightening out my hair.
"Ugh," I silently thought as far as that goes. I headed out and hopped on my bike. The ride home was eventful. I did not slack off during the fresh, clean airy ride. My fury was all there.
I went to ma and pa's and they invited mt to dinner at Gallagher's tonight (where John works as a bartender). I accepted.
While I was ironing my slacks I got another 'stalker' call from Stephanie Redding. We talked about her suggestion to treat me to the Blue Fox Restaurant in San Francisco. She kept talking as I was ironing. She felt a need to explain about her old romance with the tenth Earl of 'who knows where'.
Ma and Pa and I made it to Gallagher's. I was driving and I made sure they wore their seat belts. We went to the bar first and I noticed the manager and host checking me (or us) out. We sat at the bar and my brother, John, made us margarita cocktails. We noticed some whispering of the manager to John.
John said, "My manager just said those drinks are on the house."
So, that was pretty cool.

Just as we were enjoying our drinks we saw Cecelia (my Dad's niece) and Jim Markus walk in with my Aunt Josie and her husband, Bill Wright. We ended up joining them all for dinner. It was fun and so randomly spontaneous. We cracked jokes. I liked the one Jim told about why Chinese have buck teeth and squinted eyes (from jacking-off).
After dinner the margarita pitchers really kicked-in. When I was outside I had my cousin Cecelia and my Aunt Josie bend over half way and spell 'R U N' ten times very quickly. (Are You In, Are You In, Are You In...) That was funny. It made my mom 'piss her pants'. It was really a fun evening even if the bill was $143. I didn't put up a penny.
After dinner, Dad stopped by John and Sherri's to get 'The Hanky Panky' adult videotape. I went home and straight to bed.
Marty Louie had left a voice mail message: "Hi Mike, I will be there between ten and eleven tomorrow morning."
She was like a nagging itch, repellent and at the same time tempting.
-Steig Larsson
"The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo"
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