-Jules Verne
"Paris in the Twentieth Century"
(The Lost Novel)
Twenty-five years ago today:
February 24, 1985
The telephone rang at 7:30AM. It was Steffanya. What nerve!
"How could you call me at this time on a Sunday?"
"I had to tell you that I have Bay cruise tickets for April 16th!"
I was still half asleep and still thinking about what Paloma had asked when she saw me talking to Daniel last night (Lara's date).
I explained to Paloma, "That Daniel guy works for Pac Bell in the IEC Marketing on Fremont Street. The crazy thing is that he wasn't invited to the party."
"Well, I think he is the Wicked Witch in Sleeping Beauty because I wasn't invited. I think he cast a spell on me."
I laughed. "That's spooky."
I did feel as though he was 'swooping on me', too. (?)
It's just as well that Steffanya had woke me early. We had a nice lengthy chat on "her" phone bill. I decided to go to mom's house after the phone call. I delivered some of my own eggs and bacon to share with my folks.
Later I went to South Shore beach to lay out. I invited Dale Orlando to come along, too. He arrived at about 1:30PM. It started to feel chilly so we went to my place. I did show and tell of my pictures from the Diana Ross concert. We followed that with a visit to my mom's house to discuss my lost house key during our outing to the beach.
Dale and I went to Bay Fair where I had two house key copies made. The only problem is that one of the keys broke and the other key only opened the front door (and NOT the sliding door). Weird!
Dale was being obnoxious after a while. When he left it was a bit of a peaceful relief.
Dale said, "My wife praised you as a friendly gent when she met you last night. She told me to be careful and not to hurt you...or do anything to harm our friendship."
"That was nice of her."
"She also said she wished Karyn Kossoff was at the office bash last night to see you with Paloma."
"Yikes, well...I'm sure she'll hear all about it one way or another."
I've decided to send picture postcards of the duplicate photos from the Diana Ross Concert to Ryan, Ron and Karyn. I will also send them to Steffanya, so she can see what I look like.
Karyn is in Florida this week. Ron and Ryan are in Mexico. I don't know why I concern myself with writing about Karyn, Ryan or Ron. I guess it is because I really do care a lot about them.
I care about Carl Brooks, too. I want to treat him to lunch one day this week because of the yogurt treat he owed me. I like him. He's a good buddy.
After Dale left my house I went to mom's for dinner. I could not get into some movie called "The Dead Zone", so I returned home. I was stunned because my roommate, Marty, was home!
Steffanya called and I told her what Dale had said to me today.
"Dale just said 'Why don't you two just meet already?'."
Dale was right. Here I was sending her a letter.
Dale remarked, "There's no point in continuing unless you know."
It was a proper statement.
I decided to be persistent. She was evading my immediate invitations to a movie or a visit to Hilltop Mall.
I asked, "Let's just go out next Saturday!"
"Well Josephine and I are going to the Holiday Inn that night."
"Great, I'll be there. You know you'll be there, so I can meet you for a drink."
Steffanya decidedly had to rush off of the phone. I could tell she was feeling trapped and used caring for Tabitha's behavior as the reason to get off the phone.
After my phone call with Steffanya I did some photo sharing with Marty. I also read his TAROT cards. I learned that he seems to have a gal who is swooping on him right now.
"Yeah, but I have no realness for her. Do you know what I mean?"
"I think so."
"Now...my supervisor at work on the other hand." Marty hesitated.
"Yeah, so what's the problem?"
"She's married." Marty explained. "But we both have feelings for each other. I can tell. I'm trying to be brave and courageous until the final break through to the end. I just don't know."
"You definitely have to wait for a break through all right."
"You know, this might make a good chapter in your book."
"Hey, yeah!"
Laughter followed.
"You name it, I've been through it all," Marty added.
Although, I wonder. Has he? Has Marty been through it all? I mean, I have a number of stories to tell. I know I still haven't been through it all (yet).
Now the movie, "Evergreen" is on starring Lesley Ann Warren. I'm going to watch it.
Steffanya called once again.
"I'm going to a male strip show with Josephine, then we will go to the Holiday Inn. I really can't talk more about it because...well, my mom is in the room."
She was obviously trying to get out of meeting me. I am so tired of her runaround games.
"I can invite you to the male strip show."
"I don't want to go," I shouted (even if I was rather curious).
"Okay, well there's something else I want to tell you."
"What now?"
"I named a colt that was born today after you per your recommendation. I named him A.J., short for 'Armijo Joe'."
"Ahh, really? You did?"
She knows how to soften me up and change the subject.
I ended up turning in after writing a card with a picture of a watermelon to Steffanie along with the 'huggable hanging coats' card. I included the pictures of me 'punked-out' from the Diana Ross concert, too.
The mind can illumine in a man and round a man a light more vivid, can open his ear to more melodious harmonies, can seat him on clouds of shining constellations and teach him to question them.
-Honroe de Balzac
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