-Morag Joss
"Half Broken Things"
I saw a film called TAP (1989) recently and was pleasantly surprised to see Sammy Davis Jr. As a tribute to him I thought (since the health food recommendations are done) I would post one of his all-time favorite tunes today: "The Candy Man".

Twenty-five years ago today:
February 12, 1985
This morning I woke extra early and took the early BART train. The plan was to meet my section at Lotta's (inside the Sheraton Palace Hotel) for breakfast. When I arrived I saw Stephanie Bautista there. I was the second to arrive. She gave me a nice compliment.
"You look so nice, like a model. Be sure you stand next to me."
I laughed aloud. She made me feel as though I was a bit of an eye-catcher on this morning. I wore my two-tone brown leather jacket and my brown BACHARACH tie with my brown MACY's pressed shirt and brown slacks. I guess I did look pretty good.
Carl Brooks is still out 'sick'. Hank is on vacation. Elizabeth Center is on disability (maybe the Diana Ross was too much for her). We are missing a lot of our section!
Later, Dale Orlando suggested dates for Las Vegas.
"Michael, we should ask for March 8th and March 11th as days off because that's the Friday and Monday that we may go to Las Vegas."
"Okay, I think it will be fun. I'll try to request them."
Dale is too funny. The next thing I knew Dale and I were having lunch.
"Michael, I want to be your manager for designated escorts for mega bucks."
"Sounds like it could be profitable," I said with a serious eye.
Then, I laughed. "Are you serious, Dale?"
His quirky ideas catch my interest though.
"That blue suit gent over there just eyed you!"
"Yeah, but don't look just yet."
Dale does have an observing eye. It's fun having his company. Then again, too much of Dale could get tiring.

Dale Orlando provided more interesting gossip.
"Did you know that Karyn Kossoff went to bed with Tom Kidwell?"
"No, are you sure?"
"Hmmmm...huh, and did you know that Margaret Lai and Patty Rowe are victims of beatings by their beaus?"
It's funny how people that work right under your nose have their own private stories. I grant you that there is a story within each and every individual.
My big question now is whether Stephanie Bautista, my boss, will give my March 5th and March 11th days as AX time off without pay. I really want to see Joan Rivers in Vegas. Dale and I would have a blast.
I received more news clippings from Steffanie Redding today. And now she is calling me on my direct line at work (which may be very bad news).
In the newspaper today a gal named Laura Connelly, an ex model who trains horses has a big spread article and advertisement. What a coincidence because I was the one who recently arranged for the installation and set-up of her business telephone service.
I decided to call on Danny Garcia once again to see about his cutting my hair. I made an appointment for 11AM on Saturday.
"Great! And I'm treating for lunch," Danny said.
Now Margaret Lai wants to set a date for a TAROT card reading. I don't mind. It will be fun.
Cindy Chow was saying, "Look how young Rick Sloan was!"
This reminded me of the fact that Rick Sloan had winked at me yesterday.
Cindy continued, "He is trying to be a model but Michael, I think you should model for MACY's."
That was my second comment today with regard to modeling. I may just have to check it out once I develop my body more.
I stopped at SAFEWAY after work. I spent a whopping forty-six dollars! I am definitely bringing lunch in to work tomorrow.
I have not heard from Jim Koran yet. I wonder if he got his birthday gift.
Chris Cordellos telephoned.
"I am going to Sonoma first but I'm still coming over."
I am apprehensive about Chris arriving. I am just leery about our behaviour. I really do NOT want to start anything. I hope it wasn't wrong to invite him to stay the night. I will not make the first move. There is NO way. If anything, should he make a move I shall 'slow it down'.
I attempted a call to Paloma to see about getting together on Valentine's Day night. I still haven't been able to get a hold of her.
My favorite newspaper clippings are:
'Armijo Nominated for Academy Award'
'Armijo Wins'.
"Where have you been hiding? We were thinking of sending out a search party."
-Daphne du Maurier
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