Javier Bardem to Rebecca Hall
in the film "Vicky, Cristina Barcelona"
I was a volunteer in San Francisco where business professionals would visit a school and spend an hour of their time with students for a THINK/WRITE program. Here is a photo of me in the classroom that I would visit at the REDDING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL at 1421 Pine Street, San Francisco, CA. I inspired these third and fourth graders to love writing.
Here are the letters I found:
Dear Mr. Armijo
Our class misses you a lot. We learned a lot from you.
Do you like your new job? And thanks for the candies. Maybe sometimes you can come and visit our class. Inside the envelope there's a picture of me. If you don't mind would you send me a picture of you. Thank You.
Your Pal,
Deanna Vi
May 8, 1989
Dear Mr. Armijo,
How are you doing? Like your new job? I really enjoyed having you in our class. Our class missed you very much, especially Samantha, Deana and I. Dr. Crowley is going to have a new partner, I hope he or she would be as nice as you are.
Things are going pretty well in our class. We are participating in a Drama Program, at the end of five months we will be putting on a play for our school. I'm really looking forward to it. We will also be having a science fair. We're going to be displaying our inventions and our ads to other classes. I'm looking forward to that too.
I hope I'll have a chance to see you again. Write back soon. Well, gotta go. Ta, Ta.
Your Pal,
Jenny Mac
P.S. Hope you liked my picture and poem. Thanks for the box of chocolate. (Could I have a picture of you?)
Jenny Mac's POEM:
When I'm blue,
I think of you,
You're so cool,
That I miss you,
And that is true.
May 18, 1989
Dear Mr Armijo,
How was your trip to Hawaii? Could you send me a picture of you in Hawaii? Inside the beary envelope there is a beary present for you. I really miss you. I really enjoyed everything you taught me. I wanted to write to you because I feel bad and sad these few days and I had nothing to do. I am so excited to write to you. Well, I have nothing to say, oh yah, here is a poem.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You are so cute
My friends think you are too!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
I hope you like the poem.
Your Pal,
Samantha Du
April 30, 1989
Dear Mr. Armijo,
Thank you for teaching me how to write a paragraph. Thank you for coming and teaching us. I like that you gave me the postcard and ads and thank you for teaching me how to make the ad for my invention. I appreciated you coming. I hope I can see you again.
Sincerely Room 8 Student,
Steven Su
PHOTO: Steven Su
I did a FACEBOOK search and found Deanna Vi who is now twenty something. She's one of my newest FaceBook pals as of February 21, 2010.
PHOTO: Deanna Vi

Twenty-five years ago today:
February 27, 1985
Steffanya called me at 7AM or so. She's really "HOH" (Head Over Heels) over me. I kind of like the attention. The "mystique" of her adds something real also.
Dale Orlando gave me an update on the Dennis Reno tale--or fib or rumor.
"Michael, I am going to get a full scoop. And if I learn that Reno started this fib I'm going to let Larry know that Reno should not be allowed in our office."
"Okay, let me know what happens."
Dale did not stutter when he came to my desk with new news.
"I heard that Dennis Reno was on the same return flight to San Francisco as Tim. And Tim said that Dennis was trying to get a job with an Airline in Dallas. Dennis also told Tim that he had a wife to return to."
I replied. "What? Give me a break. That is a fib if I ever heard one. He doesn't have a wife!"
I thought about something Tony had told me and wondered if I should tell Dale about the possibility that Dennis has cancer and that he goes to Texas for therapy. Or maybe the Dennis Reno lies are a scapegoat. It doesn't really matter. I must fill Dale in on this before he starts a tizzy on Dennis. I know Dale has recurring ulcers.
Dale ran into an old chum (a gal) he knew at Security Pacific Bank while I was purchasing my BART ticket. After his talk with her Dale gave me the spiel on Sue Leith, the cute thirty-five year old gal in our office who lives in Marin County.
"Are you ready for this?"
"Yes, tell me."
"Well, Sue Leith's live-in boyfriend is named Jim. And Jim was apparently having an affair with some rich, older forty-year old woman. Jim has since accepted a new job in Denver despite all of his debts and financial difficulties. And now, today, Sue was going to have lunch with the other woman of whom Jim still fiddles with. Sue is a wreck because she's trying to get over the whole fiasco!"
"No wonder you've been talking to Sue so much. Wow."
Steffanya sent me a card (3-D) of a Pegasus. It's grand.

She wrote:
Isn't this card great! I want you to know-next to the Killer Moon Card you sent me, this is my next favorite. Well, also after the Palomino card (the first one you sent to me!). Cards are great. What do you think?
My problem with food is I love to eat, but I get so busy I forget to eat. But Tabitha does get her three square meals a day. I usually am too busy to eat. That is part of the reason why all of my social affairs have to come to a halt! I hardly have a personal life. Like tonight I'd love to go home and put my jeans on and relax--but no. I have to go and do my so-called part for the community. Then to top all of this off, fourteen miserable nights of going to Davis University to get entrance for my PHD in nursing. The worst part is you must receive 100% on the exam! I only pray I make it! Once I have my PHD I could make $40,000 a year easy. Then I could work on being rich! Wanna be rich? You can have your Ferrari and I can have my horse ranch! I know I'm crazy! Smile-
The cruise is April 20, 1985 on Saturday. The ship leaves at 8:30 (until midnight, so no jumping overboard!). So we have to plan our evening out! I hope you'll have fun.
Well my silver tongued Don Juan I had better close so that I can get this in the mail.
Steffanie is sweet.
"Michael, my mom said you are a fox and she's never said that about any one!"
"You mean you showed your mom my picture?"
"Yeah, and my mom's girlfriends who will be attending a wedding this Saturday all know of you and praise you now that they've seen your picture. You are known as 'Prince Michael Armijo' and well-known out in Fairfield now."
I had to laugh.
Cedric Green called me and we had a reminiscent chat about what's been going on. He is into singing opera now.
"I joined a gym and I've been getting buffed."
"Really? That's great. I've just bought some neato mosquito expensive China for four-hundred dollars and I want to have a small circle of friends dinner party. I'd like you to be one of those friends."
"Ah, Cedric, that's really nice of you!"
We made tentative arrangements to get together this Saturday at one o'clock. I am to go to Richmond and maybe bring my bike. I have to call him on that morning to confirm.
I also got a personal call from a dating service in Walnut Creek. The guy said, "My name is Chris Williams."
How do they find me? I don't know how he got my name. Maybe it was Dale because I got a call about solar energy and a free gift and I learned that Dale was the one who gave my name to that creep.
Jim Koran called me too.
"I figured you'd be home on DYNASTY night."
I laughed. "You were right."
"I'm coming to Castro Valley on March 15th. I will probably be free on the Saturday evening of March 16th and if you're back from Vegas maybe we could get together?"
"That sounds great. I want to but I'm not sure if I'll be back by then. Let me call Dale to see what time we are expected back."
When I called Dale he just kept trying to feed me negative vibes about Steffanya. He is pointedly jealous and makes it very clear that he does not care for her.
"It's my call to make the judgment as to who I want to see and do what I want to do," I exploded.
I telephoned Suzy Miller. She was surprised to hear from me. We had a short chat.
"You know, Sue, you should go to the gym with me on Thursday night."
"I'm committed to Bible study on that night."
Case closed.
"You slam a door in a man's face even before a man knocks on it."
-Paul Newman as Ben Quick
to Joann Woodward as Clara Varner
in the 1958 film
"The Long, Hot Summer"
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