-James Kirkwood
"Good Times Bad Times"
I learned of 'The Paintbox Theory' while reading "Good Times Bad Times", a novel, by James Kirkwood. It went like this:
When we're born, when the Big Joker in the Sky checks us out for our "enchanting" stay on earth, we're each handed a little tin paintbox and inside are a couple of brushes and all these nice little squares of red, blue and yellow water paints, the primary colors. We're supposed to come down to earth and go through life painting these lovely pictures (i.e., learning, working, loving, marriage, procreating, bringing up children, etc.).
Except when you open up your paintbox, you're just liable to find your little kit's not what it's cracked up to be. Either a brush is gone or all twisted and gnarled or some of the paint is dried and chipped or perhaps even a couple of the primary colors are missing.
Some of the paintboxes are so dented you can't even get the lid open!
Still, every one's after you from the cradle to the grave, checking and scolding if you don't please everyone by painting pretty pictures!
Twenty-five years ago today:
February 17, 1985

"Hi Michael, I'll be coming over today with my brother to bring a dresser."
"Okay, that's great. I may not be here but you have the keys."
I certainly did not want to be here and have to help them carry a giant dresser up the stairs. I woke up and went bicycling at 10:30AM. I took a ride all around Alameda. It was refreshing. I have missed that feeling of a good bike ride.
I was home at 1:20PM and I had apparently just missed Marty. He left a note:
'Mike, Dale called.'
Bill Helbush happened to call as I was reading the note.
"Hey Mike, Are you doing anything tonight?"
I hesitated. "Uh...no, not really."
"Well, how about I take you out for dinner tonight?"
"Hmmm...that sounds nice. Where?"
And so, I met him in San Francisco at Cafe San Marcos. The plan was to eat at Leticio's after having a drink at Cafe San Marcos. As I was driving to 'The City' I began to wonder if there might be ulterior motives. Yikes.
"No predicaments, please," I thought while driving over the Bay Bridge.

Steffanie Redding had also telephoned me this evening.
"I just wanted you to know that I got you an ARMIJO key chain from Armijo High School."
"Oh, Thanks, but I have to run."
"Okay, but just so you know...I also wrote a nine-pager just for you."
"Really? I can't wait to read that one!"
"Reach in my desk drawer.
Have a Good and Plenty and cool off."
-James Kirkwood
"Good Times Bad Times"
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