-Shyam Selvadurai
"Cinnamon Gardens", a novel
Studies have shown that just 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol. Several studies suggest that cinnamon may have a regulatory effect on blood sugar, making it especially beneficial for people with Type 2 diabetes. In some studies, cinnamon has shown an amazing ability to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.
In a study published by researchers at the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Maryland, cinnamon reduced the proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells.

It has an anti-clotting effect on the blood. In a study at Copenhagen University, patients given half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with one tablespoon of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.
When cinnamon is added to food, it inhibits bacterial growth and food spoilage, making it a natural food preservative. One study found that smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.
Cinnamon helps to control blood sugar and cholesterol. One needs only to sprinkle some into coffee or oatmeal.
Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E. coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices. Cinnamon is also a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.

Twenty-five years ago today:
February 4, 1985
Mom wants me to take her to Palo Alto on Saturday.
"Okay, I will." I said to mom happily.
Carl Brooks had the day off. I missed him last Friday and today. He is growing on me. I like hearing his woes. He is a good friend.
I enjoyed a yogurt at lunchtime. I took Jim Koran's gift to the post-office.
I achieved excellence today with forty-three PNS (sales related) points.
Stephanie Redding called me again (two or three times). She can't seem to let go of the mysteriousness of me. I guess this introductory phase has her going haywire (until she meets me).
My supervisor (the other Stephanie) wants our section to wear jeans and white shirts tomorrow. Wearing white is in honor of gay men's independence and individuality (or something like that).
"Okay, I will wear white tomorrow," I replied.
Besides, my Gemini horoscope for tomorrow says 'Some Discrimination on your part will enable you to know who your friends really are.'
And so, wearing white tomorrow will prove interesting.
I made a quick visit home after my workday and headed straight to the gym for my work out. I talked to the guy who works there that Paloma thought had a good body. He does have a good body. He now seems to have noticed me and has given me 'the eye' a lot lately. I like him. He sort of resembles Bill Helbush but he's much more fit and slender. His body is so well-defined and toned.

I was thinking of dropping over to the gay skating rink in San Leandro tomorrow night. I figure I'll be working out and it is so close by. Why not?
I had a good workout tonight. I went to Jack-In-The-Box.
I'm now watching a movie starring Martin Sheen and Marlo Thomas called "Consenting Adults". It's about a couple's only son, admitting that he is a homosexual. It reminded me of the time my ma and pa read my journal in relation to my 'George Jones' dating days in July through October 1983. Ma and Pa thought I was gay. Dad cried (a little) and so did the father in this movie. I explained that those journal notes were for a book I am writing and it's not true. I think they believed me. If anything, I've confused them given the dates I have had with females since they happened to read those parts of my journal.

I can relate to this "Consenting Adults" movie. I feel for the son but I can't believe how open he is in telling his mother his intimate feelings. I can relate to his feelings for the guy he likes in his swim team. Then again, I actually like some girls and want and yearn to be "inside" them, too. Does that make me 'bi'? I only wish I had more sexual experiences with girls. I am young so time will tell. It's also a matter of finding the gals and guys that I am emotionally and physically attracted to the point of wanting to have sex with them. There are 'few and far' between in this world.
I remember now that mom had told me of this movie last night.
"Yeah, it looks good," I replied as I know she was testing me for more of a reaction.
Mom wouldn't look me straight in the face when we discussed it. I know she still had doubts. She wonders about me after she read my journal in 1983. I know it. I do, of course, care about how she feels. I doubt if I would ever admit to anything because I would rather keep it confidential and clean (not make a dirty calamity of it).
A key sentence from the movie "Consenting Adults" is 'Two people can't solve any situational problem by avoiding each other'. And another key quote I heard was when the homosexual son said, "I don't feel any different about you (his parents). I just wish you didn't feel any different about me." Maybe that is what I am afraid of...that feeling of difference.
I guess I am still studying myself at this point. I want and need to explore more 'in-depth'. (?)
"...as you well know, when people act according to their opinions they can end up ruining other lives."
-Shyam Selvadurai
"Cinnamon Gardens", a novel
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