-Steig Larsson
"The Girl Who Played With Fire"

The postmark on the envelope was from San Jose but the return address label was from:
Lola Bindel
1720 Pacific #22
San Francisco, CA 94109
Whatever Lola Wants Lola Gets
by Sarah Vaughn
Lola wrote:
Dear Michael,
I don't know if you have tried to call me or not but if so, I'm sorry I haven't talked to you. I wish I could have.
I enjoyed being with you that one evening, I probably won't forget it. I have never done that-it was fun. I would like to go out with you, maybe to a movie or something. I am not looking for anything serious, just a good friendship. You can call anytime. I'm usually home after 11PM--before 8:30AM. You can call me at work anytime also. My numbers are (in case you lost them) Home-928-5363, Work-885-5757. I know you have been busy. I hope your work isn't bringing you down.
Did you have fun at Great America? Wish I could have gone with you. Maybe you'll want to go again, later this summer. I would like that, or let's go for a bike ride. If you don't want to have anything to do with me, please write me and tell me so I won't bother you, O.K.?
Take Care,
And for the LIFE of me...I have no recollection of Lola.
I did a FaceBook search and there is a Lola Bindel who graduated from a Spring Valley High School in 1978. She attended a college in the Monterey Peninsula. I couldn't resist NOT sending a brief note--just to see if she remembers me now.
I moved to Los Angeles in October 1989, so I don't ever believe I answered her letter. Ooops. It reminds me of the story behind that song "Hey Eugene" by Pink Martini.
Twenty-five years ago today:
February 25, 1985
This morning I woke up and made it in the nick of time for my BART train. When I entered the office I saw Dale, typing a letter frantically. It was unreal. He was typing a letter of apology to me.
Apparently, he was pissed yesterday when I told him he was absolutely wrong about his predictions about Paloma's sexuality. He is much too overbearing. I cannot handle him any more. At first, I thought his typewritten letter was rather nice and apologetic. I deserved the letter because of his prying and non-stop gossip. It's just too damn much.
I received several telephone calls from Stephanie today.
"My cousin gave me a cashier's check for our outing on April 20th," she proudly announced.
That April 20th will be the Saturday night of our private party on the cruise around the Bay.
She continued. "I wanted to know what you wanted to do before the cruise."
"Well, dinner would be nice, but we can wait and see."
I am getting excited about it. There's so much anticipation built up already.

Dale spoke with me again.
"Michael, I think the journal you write is a very special thing. I am very envious."
I got the impression that he has lost a lot of friends in his past. It was like he didn't want to lose me as a friend. It was almost touching. I almost felt sorry for him. I liked one statement he made: "Some things are better off not read and some things are better off not said."
Dale and I took a walk to the post-office. I mailed the cards I had written for Steffanya. We both bought yogurt at the Health Food store. Dale eats too much though.
During our last break, Dale and I sat with Mary McTiernan and Sue Fischer from the SS-Business Service Center (formerly known as Data Marketing). Sue was spilling the beans about the stress of her boyfriend, Hank, along with other mishaps. Mary was trying to 'bad-mouth' Sue.
"Oh you should see her in her real shoes while we're in San Mateo," Mary blurted.
What did that mean?
Sue was surprised to learn that Dale was married. Sue is fun. Her expressions are enough to make me fall off of my chair. They ALL want me to bring my TAROT cards in to the office again. They all want answers to their future.
PHOTO: Dale Orlando with his wife, Dee
Steffanya is getting to the point where I get excited whenever she calls me. It sort of reminds me of the old Laurie Robertson days...only better. Steff likes my personality, too. Where will it lead? It is all beyond me.
After work I went to Dad's and played with my niece, Ashley, for a while. Tony was there and he confronted me with a silly rumor that he'd heard from Dennis Reno.
"A guy named Orlando was in trouble for dishonest sales or something and people are saying that you went to bed with him."
I was shocked--to say the least! After hearing this so-called rumor I've decided to clean up my act "away from" Dale entirely. We were supposed to go to the 24-Hour Nautilus gym together tomorrow (after work) but I'm going to avoid his company altogether. How could this rumor have started? He must have lit the match. What lies!
I think Carl Brooks and I may go to lunch or something. And to think that Dale and I are going to Las Vegas. That may cause even more of a raucous. The more I thought about it the more I disliked the so-called rumor. I guess it bothers me so much because it's so silly.
I mentioned the rumor to Steffanya. I explained that people thought I was hanging out with Dale Orlando only because of his high sales performance.
Steffanya deduced, "It's only because they're all jealous. That is why the rumor started."
I went to the gym and I saw a girl that reminded me of Colleen Morgal (an old high-school infatuation). She flirted with me, smiled and called me "Hon".
Her last line to me: "See you later."
I about melted. Then I caught her gabbing with Bob, the guy that works there.

I casually and innocently met the blond body-builder guy that I see often. He was wearing a Manhattan T-shirt today. He spoke to me first.
"Are you riding the LifeCycle for twelve minutes?"
I am sure he saw me looking at him. He's really nice. I asked him about my milkshake treat after my workout.
He replied, "Drinking a milkshake and an OJ after a work out is okay. It's deserving."
When I got home the persistent silly rumor was bugging me. Perhaps it bugged me more because it came from my brother, Tony. Steffanya called once more and made me feel better.
"I may be taking on a job in San Francisco," Steffanya disclosed.
The subject came up of my schooling and living in Sacramento.
"I didn't know you lived in Sacramento for two years. I never knew you went to Sac State!"
"I guess it never came up before."
"I can't believe I didn't know that."
"Oh well, Sacramento wasn't exactly my favorite town."
She continued to make me smile during this telephone conversation. When we talk 'dirty' she really makes me laugh. I think I may call her again just before I 'hit the sack' or rather while I am 'in the sack'.
"It must be hard being with someone when you have to keep so many secrets."
-KYLE-XY, Season III
Episode III, 'Electric Kiss'
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