and he was about to do so when he felt a touch upon his shoulder that made him turn.
It was Paul.
He stretched out his hand to Paul and knew the Madonna had left him.
It's true, he thought. I'm standing on a divided path.
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
Turmeric has long been used not only as a spice, but also for its medicinal properties as an herb. Below is a more expanded list of realized and potential turmeric health benefits. Note that not all have been studied. Some mentioned have received research, while others are folk remedies. Talk with a doctor or medical professional about the use of turmeric for specific medical conditions or situations before taking it as a medicine.
Turmeric is often misspelled as 'Tumeric'.
Alzheimer's disease
Breast cancer

Colorectal cancer
Cystic fibrosis
Fat metabolism
Inflammatory skin conditions
Liver detoxification
Lung cancer
Multiple myeloma
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
New blood vessel growth in tumors
Pain reliever
Pancreatic cancer
Prostate cancer (used with cauliflower)
Rheumatoid arthritis
Weight management
Wound healing
Turmeric is typically taken in the form of powder or pills such as capsules. A standard pill is usually from 250 to 500 mg. It can also be used within recipes rather than taken alone.
Twenty-five years ago today:
February 9, 1985
It is so nice to sleep in; however, sleeping in for too long can be a strain on one's back (especially if you've been working out at the gym the night before).
When I woke up I went to mom's house for a quick dose of Corn Flakes. I loved the sound of the crunch. I watched a bit of the movie "Splash" and proceeded to head over to the gym.
The 'fit' guy was there and I think his name is Paul.
Paul struck up some conversation which excited and startled me at the same time.
"Would you try not to keep your bag behind the counter? This time it's okay."
I almost feel he made that comment to spark some initial talk with me. I like him. He's a nice guy.
It's funny, Ms. Silva (her first name escapes me) and two of her friends were given their first tour of the weights at the gym today. I guess she has joined.
She said, "Hi".
I nodded.
We didn't get to a chance to talk any more than that. I don't know if I even want to talk to her. I've felt rejected by her. I telephoned her, sent a card and got no replies. So I don't think she is worth my time.
After the work out I said, "Later," to Paul as I walked out of the gym.
He nodded.
After the work out I received a call from Steffanie Redding. She's acting so H.O.H. (Head Over Heels) in love even though she has not even met me face to face.
"You know, my daughter made a comment about my having another baby."
"Oh yeah, and what did you say?"
"I told her that I needed a man."
"...and then she said what about Mike?"
Steffanie wanted to know who I've been told that I resemble.
"I've heard Donny Osmond, Erik Estrada, John Beck, Lucan Wolf and Jon Erik Hexum, but who knows next week."
"I suppose if you put them all together it's possible," Steffanie giggled.
Film clip from the movie "Splash"

Tonight I kept thinking of Paloma and suddenly remembered that I had made mention of the outing to the Fairmont Hotel for tonight. I really was not in the mood to go out. Besides, I spent my last dollar on the San Francisco Examiner newspaper boy (when he came to collect today).
There was a tender spot, just below Paul's ear, behind the curve of the jaw, where Michael longed to place his lips.
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
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