"So have I...but I don't have to listen."
-Joanne Harris

Twenty-five years ago today:
June 1, 1984
I received a surprise phone call from Tammy Duhr while at work today.
“I just learned from my mother that you had called,” Tammy said in her alluring tone.
We made a date for Saturday (tomorrow night).
“Who was that adorable gent?” Tammy asked.
“Oh…uh, you mean Chris. He’s just a friend,” I replied nervously but knowing that she knew. Tammy is only attracted to gay men for some reason. I remembered Frank telling me so.
“Well, I thought he was very polite and adorable,” Tammy said with some peppered sexy laughter.
Little does she know?
Tammy’s new telephone number is 537-9980. I guess she is rooming with the ‘geek’ (also named Chris) that I saw her with the other day.
I went for an hour bicycle ride after work and came home to watch more of the KQED Auction. I decided to turn in to bed early. There is no need to spend any more money (even if it was Payday today). I stayed home on this Friday night.
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