sweet, salty, sour, bitter
and the elusive "other" taste known as 'umami'
we can recognize over a thousand smells.
-Tilar Mazzeo
"The Widow Clicquot"

May 31, 1984
Once again it was lunch with Tony and Helen. This time we ate at ‘FATS” and I treated myself to a Coors. I chose Coors because that’s the beer that Chris Cordellos’ mom gave us when we went on our excursion to the beach.
At work I moved to my original desk and Sue Reppert is my supervisor once again. Of course, this is only temporary as I will transfer to the BSC (Business Service Center) in ‘The City’ on July 9th.
I had a slight argument with Dad after work about the phone bill.
I owe him $25.35. He was accusing me of owing more. We made things clear and I won the battle.
My evening bike ride was interesting. I saw this guy who was rather “questionable”. He looked a little bit like a cute guy I remembered from high school named Roger De Monte. When I returned home from the brisk bike outing my Dad had two messages for me.
“Chris and Mike called for you,” Dad said.
Chris never called back and I didn’t feel like calling ‘outside the local area’ after the recent phone bill review/argument with Dad. And so, I did not call him.
Michael Thoennes called again with an invitation to a Sunday picnic in Saratoga Springs. I don’t want to go. I’m exhausted.
“I thought Chris was cute but he looks rather young,” Michael T said.
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