"Trust your aversions the same as you do your cravings."
Ira Levin
"Rosemary's Baby"
After a grueling work day yesterday a ninety-minute massage was necessary. Bob Hope would be proud of me (you’d understand what I mean if you read my previous blog entry dated April 28, 2009).
My Tui-na massage therapist is named LuLu. She speaks primarily Chinese. Midway through my treatment she mounted my back as if I was a saddle on a horse. She began massaging my back with her knees.
“Not too hard?” she asked.
I moaned.
“In Chinese say ‘Soo Foo’ means comfortable. Is ‘Soo Foo’?” she asked as she continued to press her knees eloquently and systematically along and around my middle and upper back.
“Very ‘Soo-Foo’,” I said with a smile that she could not see (since I was face down).
She laughed, “Very Soo-Foo”.
Thirty-minutes later the reflexology began on my left foot.
“Oh…a cramp,” I screeched.
“Cramp. What that?”
“It NOT ‘Soo-Foo’,” I said.
She laughed once again, “Very smart.”
Somehow she proceeded with the reflexology and I was relieved and in ‘7th Heaven’ once again.
“Awe…so ‘Soo-Foo!”
As LuLu continued to massage me I remembered an alternative rock group from the late 1980s called ‘Flesh For LuLu’. They sang that ‘I Go Crazy’ song and the wonderful ‘Postcards From Paradise’. Too funny.

Twenty-five years ago today:
May 15, 1984,
When I telephoned Steve Gaster this morning he was not at home. Apparently, (I later learned) his sister went to Oklahoma and allowed him to use her car while she is away. So in a convenient sort of way it makes it easier on me.
I joined Tony and Helen for lunch and we browsed at the Emporium Department Store. Helen purchased a chair and a table. They were nice furniture choices.
I telephoned mom a couple of times from work but she did not have any major news to report. As is said no news is good news.
By 5PM I was riding my bicycle once again. I think I was secretly hoping I’d run into Ron again for the free striptease show. I had a nice meal of BBQ chicken, squash and juice before I embarked on the evening journey. The quickness of eating and riding did not make for a good match as I felt a need to lay down for a while.
I decided to stop over at Sue Miller’s apartment to see her new car. I learned that she didn’t have the car yet.
“It’s a new Celica that’s still on order,” Sue said.
I offered the idea of a movie outing together but she had to read a few chapters for her night class (Managerial Accounting). Ugh!
I simply rode my bike home and ate more chicken and sipped on some punch. I followed that with a few sugar cookies with a tall glass of cold milk. I decided to eat a lot after Sue said I looked ‘skinny’ today. Could it just be the Los Angeles t-shirt I was wearing that made me look skinny?
I telephoned Sherri and her mother, Janet, answered. She was babysitting and was totally unaware if I had received any mail until she found it on the counter. It turned out there was a $300 MACY’s bill waiting for me.
I cuddled up with Ashley and played “goo goo” games. I like playing with her lip, fingering the lower lip repeatedly so it makes that little ‘boop’ noise. Ashley fell asleep in my arms. I left not long after that.
I cannot lie. Chris Cordellos has crossed my mind today. I am just avoiding the frequent habit of calls to him. I just don’t want to be too…what’s the word? Pushy? Forceful? I want to give him space. That’s it. Space!
I am hoping to get my stereo back in tact by Friday evening. If not, I shall not drive up North. If the stereo is working I might go on up.
A visit to the ‘gay’ skating rink in San Leandro crossed my mind on this Tuesday night but it was a very ‘quick crossing’ of my mind. I would rather go with Chris if at all.
This coming Sunday I was invited to some party by Michael Thoennes. I doubt if I will attend. It’s a party for someone’s mother. I think he said it’s for Janelle (his roommate) who is preparing a party for her mother. I don’t know if I’m prepared for that right now.
Ashley looks prettier and prettier each day. She is precious.
There is no word on the job transfer to the San Francisco Business Service Center. I really don’t know if, when, where or what will happen with that. The promising factor is that Robert, my supervisor, told me that the guy at the Placement Center sounded sure he would be calling later in the week. I really do need the change in my work environment. I believe ‘The City’ scene may be more fun and a more professional move.
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