"You've got to make a decision and NOT look back.
That's how LIFE goes!"
-a line heard in
Best Documentary at the
2009 Tribeca Film Festival
"Russian girls are a hot commodity in this town," said a dear friend recently after she was told about a party we attended at a New York penthouse in the sky.
Alan and I attended a party in New York City of about twenty guests. It was festive fun but the shocking part was the pairing of three Russian girls with three 'very much older' men. There is a large Russian population in Brooklyn. The Russians are mainly concentrated in the community of Brighton Beach (and surrounding communities). Brighton Beach features many Russian businesses. Because of the large Russian community, it has been nicknamed "Little Odessa."
Two of the Russian girls in attendance at this party were only about thirty years old and their "boyfriends" were divorced men in their early 60's. One of the Russian girls was only twenty-one and she was paired off with a man who was at least sixty-five! It wasn't too thrilling to see through my eyes. Who am I to judge?
Our dear New Yorker friend who made the quote above shall remain nameless. However, she said that some of these young, beautiful Russian women won't accept an older man unless he has over 10 to 15 million before they'll even 'look at you'. I recall seeing a documentary sometime ago about Russian Brides being available in various parts of Russia for American men. Look...there's even a website I just found for this sort of thing:
There is a new documentary that has the potential of being made if you ask me. I guess this is still going on. Once you experience the latest 'New York City' party you start to realize what's really going on.
I know many older women who might not frown at having a young Russian male by their side. Who knows? This may be going on as well. The only issue there is that per an article in January 2006, the average life expectancy of a Russian male is now fifty-eight.
My talented photographer pal, Andrei, who resides in St. Petersburg, Russia has a studio where he photographs a lot of Russian men. Browse through some of his fantastic portraits:
PHOTO: A Russian Man

Twenty-five years ago today:
May 5, 1984
This morning I was awoken to mom's "clitter-clatter" in the kitchen as she was preparing for the festivities of Sherri's Baby Shower.
I left the house at 8:30AM for Gomes Tire & Auto Service. I was determined to have my car serviced for the oil, lube and filter changes. By 9AM I felt as though I had accomplished something and gave Sue Miller a telephone call. We arranged for another breakfast outing at Ole's Waffle Shop on Park Street. Instead of the 'blueberry waffles' we had cheese omelets. I persuaded Sue on the idea of attending Sherri's Baby Shower.
We went to Chapin's Stationery Store at the South Shore Shopping Center in Alameda where we both bought Mother's Day cards. We proceeded to Woolworth's and Mervyn's in search of baby gifts for the Baby Shower.
I also helped Sue select a Spring Time outfit to wear while at Mervyn's. We went to Sue's apartment to do the gift wrapping. She changed to her Spring Time outfit and looked very "Spring Time" in the pastel colors.
It was 1:50PM and the Baby Shower started at 2PM, so we hit the road to my mom & dad's house. We arrived at 2:05PM just as my first cousins (Mona and Donna Armijo) arrived with their mom, Lela Armijo. It was rather festive. I didn't feel out-of-place being at a Baby Shower because my brothers, Tony and John, were there, too. I always wondered what happened during a Baby Shower.
Sue won the "Name Game". I laughed at the sight of Sue's bewildered and puzzled look on her face at the fact that she won. It was fun seeing everyone.
By 6PM I was off and running again. This time I went with Sue and her mom (Suzanne) and siblings (Michael Miller and Renee Miller) to the Pleasanton Hotel. We were there in celebration of Michael Miller's birthday (which was actually on May 3rd). We all had a great time at this Pleasanton Hotel.
PHOTO: Sue Miller and her brother, Michael Miller at my 'mom & dad's' house in Alameda, CA
After dinner we all went to Renee's pad in Livermore, California. We hung out there listening to mellow tunes like a 'Peaceful Easy Feeling' by The Eagles.
Renee had a really nice pad. We looked at photographs and took pictures, too. We talked about the past, present and future. Renee is actually getting married and may be moving to the State of Washington with her new husband. I guess she's made her decision and has decided to NOT look back.
By 11:30PM we (Sue, Sue's mom, Michael Miller and I) all left for Alameda. I was home by 12:30PM. I browsed through my MACY's catalog and went to bed tossing and turning. I was wondering how Chris Cordellos was moving along with his so-called Saturday Night Party in Arcata.
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