I always feel so far away from you when you're in a mood like this."
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
During these rough economic times it is important to always have a competitive edge.
My dear friend, Kay Strauss, of Minneapolis, Minnesota sent this amusing resume tip/joke. I thought this joke was worth the laughter for a 'Blue Monday'. Keep in mind that appearance does count and how you appear to others can make or break a job opportunity or your success on the job. Appearance counts all the time!
My Resimay
To hoom it mae cunsern,
I waunt to apply for the job what I saw in the paper.
I kin Type realee qwik wit one finggar and do sum a counting.
I think I am good on the fone and I no I am a pepole person, Pepole realee seam to reespond too me well. Certain men and all the ladies.
I no my spelling is not too good but find that I Offen can get a job wit my persinalety.
My salerery is open so we kin discus wat you want to pay me and wat you think that I am werth,
I kin start emeditely. Thank yoo in advanse fore yore anser.
hopifuly Yore best aplicant so farr.
PS: Because my resimay is a bit short - below is a pickture of me.

Employer's response:.....
Dear Bubba,
It's OK, we've got spell check.
See you Monday.
Twenty-five years ago today:
May 18, 1984
I quickly left the office at 5 o’clock sharp and headed for Eureka! It took six hours and I only received one speeding ticket citation. Tunes like 'The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight' made me press on the accelerator a little too much.
Every time I passed a cyclist I wished I was 'on the bike'.
When I arrived I entered the house where Barb and Chris lived. There was no sign of Chris. Only Barbara and Leandra were there in the living room listening to something a little too 'heavy metal' for me.
Apparently, Chris, Jim and Ed had left the house a half an hour earlier and were sharing wine at someone’s house. This was the explanation Chris gave me when he returned. I am just curious as to why Chris immediately brushed his teeth when we arrived at the house. I certainly hope he is NOT smoking. I hope not! I’m not ‘in’ for that runaround.
Chris, Leandra and I all ditched Barb and went to ‘Youngbloods’ in the town of Eureka for a drink. It was cool weekend fun. Chris drove his car and it was nice to be a passenger after the long drive. Leandra treated us all to drinks, too.
A little later Chris and I ‘split the scene’ and went to a hot tub joint. Earlier he was in such a raunchy mood, saying that I arrived at the wrong time—or the worst time. He was pertaining to the fact that Barb had continued to have him all bummed out.
“She thinks she is running my life and keeps putting guilt trips on me,” Chris blurted as if he was being tortured.
I think some of Barb’s advice may (at times) be worth listening to. I do think she overdoes it a lot. If Chris likes to mingle with a variety of people I find that to be a good thing. It will make for a more dynamic person. And if it is Chris’ prerogative to hang out with other people it is his choice—not hers. I think Barb should have limits in terms of breaking out in temper tantrums. Her demanding questions about Chris’ every move would be annoying. He (like everyone) needs their own space.
Chris and I broke into his bedroom window because he didn’t want Barb to hear us come in. It was funny whispering our way through. He slept on the floor (“afterwards”). I slept on his bed. It was great seeing each other again despite his goofy US Coast Guard cohorts who had to be hanging out with us.
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