"You've got to admire his 'no bullshit' approach."
-as heard while watching the Woody Allen film
"Vicky, Cristina Barcelona
Twenty-five years ago today:
June 6, 1984
My latest telephone chat with Chris kind of pissed me off. He was talking about the idea of his going off to Hawaii. He implied that he would most likely ‘fool around’ if he was in Hawaii.
“There is some married Coast Guard guy named Mike who is giving me the make,” Chris said.
“Oh yeah,” I said trying not to make it show that it irked me. We chatted more until his attitude made me dislike him more.
“Yeah, so if I get that month off from August to September I will be with you for the first fifteen days and in Hawaii the rest of the time,” Chris said excitedly.
I should not have such an attitude of bigotry. I want him to have a good time and ‘experience’, I suppose.
I made my “Sperm Bank” appointment for another whopping $25. I don’t mind making the donation much anymore, but I know come next month (when I am working in The City) I won’t be able to meet my usual Wednesday appointment.
When I spoke to Chris at 8PM he was ‘bummed out’ over my attitude on the phone earlier today over what he had said about Hawaii. Chris was also worried about his ‘appearing normal’ to his fellow Coast Guard mates, Ed, Mike (the married dude), and other USCG’s that give him ‘the eye’, etc.
“I’m not sure if it’s me or what it is when they look at me a certain way,” Chris openly stated.
“I think I understand, but girls do check you out too,” I explained.
It seemed that Chris’ confidence was at an all time low. I tried to cheer him up.
“I wonder if all is ‘right’ in terms of the sex we engage in,” Chris surprisingly said.
“I ask myself that same question, but as long as we are happy each day I’m not going to prolong the idea of it,” I responded.
I received a telephone call from Frank Vasconcellos tonight.
“It’s one year ago tonight that we met,” Frank said with hopes of hearing my reaction.
“That’s right! That’s so neat of you to call and remember that,” I said, making him feel at ease.
“I’m living with my mom again but it’s only temporary,” Frank said.
We made a date for Friday night to see “Streets Of Fire”. It is the movie we saw them filming in Los Angeles when we were there together less than a year ago. I’m glad Frank called. It’s nice to know I can still call Frank a friend. I don’t care what Tammy says to degrade him. He is my friend and I enjoy his mature and regular, good-natured way when we go out together.
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