he for being thoughtless and self-absorbed,
she for failing to express and explain her discontent.
-Ira Levin
"Rosemary's Baby"
I finally discovered 'What A Girl Needs' (besides LOVE). I was on that infamous flight from New York to London and began to fiddle with my headphones and found 'Easy Listening' music. There was a CD called 'What A Girl Needs'. Of course, I wanted to know all about it, so I listened to every tune on the CD. When you have a girl that NEEDS something (a birthday gift, a graduation gift, whatever) I honestly believe this to be a GREAT choice.
And if you're any guy, you should have it too. It's always good to know 'What a Girl Needs'.
You may order it here:
Geez...I should get some sort of referral fee for anyone who purchases it, huh?
If you have any doubts then just listen to the first tune and you'll say,
"Yep, gotta have it".
Twenty-five years ago today:
June 28, 1984
I telephoned Salima Nasardeen-Hamilton this morning. She had not opened her gift yet but she was ever so thankful at my thoughtfulness.
Last night (before bedtime) I telephoned Michelle DeBartoli. We gabbed a good while. I wonder how surprised she was to hear from me, considering the fact that we had not spoken in a while. She is so high-fashion. I hope she knows I’m not “joshing” when I tell her that.
I telephoned Danny Garcia to wish him luck at his Regional Skating Competition but he had already left at 2PM (per Mary). Oh well, he will do well.
“I am sure he will place first, second or third because he is so good!” Mary said.
I’m envious and impressed by his accomplishments.
PHOTO: 2009, Evan Lysacek
A Figure Skating Champion

Surprisingly, Chris Cordellos telephoned while Jim Severn was with him.
“I just wanted to remind you to not call me at Barb’s house anymore because I am moving out,” Chris said.
I repeated the statements Barb had made about Chris being bisexual and the girl that had spotted him on the porch a couple of weeks ago.
Chris did not reply.
“I’m really bummed,” I confessed.
Chris did not reply.
I went to get my haircut by Danny (since I never got the cut on my previous visit). We had a few drinks together along with his roommate, Mary, and her sister, Dawn. I was still a little down from Chris’ limited conversation. I wonder ‘if’ and ‘who’ and ‘what’ is going on up there with him? Chris had said he moved in with some ‘couple’, so he’s probably getting stoned nightly. I don’t envy him.
Frank Vasconcellos called and I am going to see if I can rearrange my Traffic School for Saturday at SEARS in Hayward. Then we can be in the same class. It will be neat to take that class with someone I know. Talking to Frank has inspired me to go out. Barbara Reynolds neat ‘Bike Card’ inspired me, too.
I drove to Baxter’s (a Restaurant with bar and small dance floor) in Concord. I had a hell of a good time. I met Katie Jones, Mary Vincent, Myra, Karen, Ed and Johnny. I danced with Katie (we were both wearing black). I made a tentative dinner date at Baxter’s for Sunday night with Katie, too. She’s going to call me on Sunday. She is so fine, she blows my mind. Oh Katie!
I arrived in Alameda at 2:30AM or so and a cop pulled me over because I supposedly weaved a bit on Encinal Avenue. Luckily, I was sober enough and mentioned that Al Jayne could vouch for me. I went to high school with Bonnie Jayne and her dad, Al Jayne, was a force to reckon with in the Alameda Police Department. The cop cleared me and let me go. Hoorah!
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