and as far as I know,
you've never even wondered."
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
In the late 1980s I met a model named Dustin Nipper. She was tall, gorgeous and reminded me very much of an actress known as Morgan Brittany.
PHOTO: Morgan Brittany

She seemed more mature than the typical eighteen year old; whereby, I thought we made an 'eau de naturale' couple when we went out.
I remember meeting Dustin's dad (who reminded me of the actor, Perry King).
PHOTO: Perry King

She lived with her mother in Pleasanton, CA as her folks were divorced. Her mother was quite nice and attractive as well but it was a little bit uncomfortable going into Dustin’s bedroom and playing “kissy kissy”. It is still an unforgettable memory for me (and probably for her). They were 'great' kisses, after all.
When I would hear that classic tune by KRAFTWERK called ‘The Model’ I would think of Dustin. I loved pedaling my bike to that tune.
I never continued to see Dustin on a regular basis because I ended up moving to Los Angeles in October 1989 for career reasons. We wrote to one another a few times and our connection simply faded with time.
Fast-forward to the Internet age and Dustin had read some of my book reviews on Amazon.com. She managed to email me and we reconnected after many years. It was fun ‘catching up’ and learning that she was still living in the Northern California Bay Area with her husband.
PHOTO: At 'IL VICOLO' Ristorante,
Paris, France
Alan and I met her and her husband, Amit, in Downtown Napa for lunch one day a year or so ago. Thanks to email and FACEBOOK we keep in touch more regularly.
Coincidentally, we learned that Dustin and her husband, Amit Bhatnagar, were planning a trip to Europe at the same time we were. We managed to arrange a dinner together in PARIS at a place called IL VICOLO (34, Rue Mazarine, 75006, Paris). The Italian wine was just what we all needed after the process of getting settled after the long flight. They had flown in from San Francisco (versus our New York), so they had a few more hours of adjustment challenge.
We ventured on to Spain while they explored Rome, Italy. I know they had as great a time as we did.
Twenty-five years ago today:
June 14, 1984
Well, I have been falling behind with writing in my journal. It is time to play ‘catch up’. Let’s see if I can recall all the way back to Thursday (as it is Sunday now). I am lying out on the Alameda South Shore Beach right now, feeling the good sun and listening to tunes.
I know I went to work on Thursday, June 14th. I believe Helen Wong brought lunch and we ate at the cafeteria with Cedric Green.

After work I rode my bike, too, of course. I remember dropping by to give Sherri some mail that she received at the Cook Lane townhouse address. It was mail about a Baby Pageant. I guess Ashley is going to be in her first Baby Beauty Pageant. Sherri gave me some tickets to sell (at my office) for votes for Ashley (for The Baby Pageant 1984, Queen of Diablo Valley).
“I will try and sell the whole book for you,” I said excitedly.
I received a package from International Male (my black night shirt, Moroccan madras shorts and underwear arrived).
Once home I was rather bummed out. I guess with Chris away I did not really want to go out ‘on my own’. So, I turned in early on a Thursday night.
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