"I listen to you with fascination.
Your words are incomprehensible, but they charm me.
What is it you mean to say?"
-Honroe de Balzac
Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable packed with carotenoids that protect aging eyes. You can eat Swiss chard by chopping and sauteed in olive oil. In the Mediterranean, chard is very popular and appears on many a pizza.

Swiss Chard's nutritional benefits contribute to good health and are a versatile vegetable to cook with. It's botanical name is Beta vulgaris (Crassa group) and is a member of the beetroot family. This fall vegetable comes in amazing varieties of colors, solid green, green and white, green and red and bright red. It's packed with a large variety of nutrients, including: Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Iron and riboflavin.

Swiss Chard contains dietary fiber and has other essential trace elements including Copper, Calcium, Phosphorus and Sodium. With its plentiful nutrients, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and more it helps prevent digestive tract and colon cancers and can also protect the kidneys of those with diabetes. It's good for bone health, lung health, heart health, vision, immune systems, and mental clarity. The list goes on and on.
Twenty-five years ago today:
February 3, 1985
Here it is at twenty minutes before ten o'clock on a Sunday morning. I am not as depressed as I was last night about my lost 'combination lock'. It's just that it had such sentimental value. I stole it while I was in High School from my Physical Education class. And to this day I still remember the combination: 14-33-39. Oh well, I can forget that combination now.
I am thinking about that "R U N" joke from last night that I originally heard from Ryan Hargrave (when he said it to Diana). I have to admit that I didn't get it until the third or forth time she said "R U N".
After Marty Louie pays me the eight-hundred dollars I am going to go grocery shopping. I may buy Jim Koran a little gift of some sort. And in-between those errands I will go to the gym (only because I cannot go next Wednesday or Friday).
I wonder what it will be like living with this Marty guy. He seems respectable enough. I am a fairly good judge of character. I believe it will work out.
Marty came. The jerk forgot his checkbook!
He said, "I promise you I will mail the eight-hundred dollars tonight."
He better mail it! I gave him a house key and the spare garage opener. I also took him for a tour of the Islandia Townhome Recreation Center Clubhouse and pool area. We sat and talked about school and each other. We gabbed on 'get to know you' sort of small talk stuff.
When Marty left my plans were ruined. I could no longer go shopping for groceries without the cash I had expected. I ended up driving to Bay Fair and MACY's Clearance Place did not have "shit". So I went to the regular Bay Fair MACY's and bought Jim two shirts. Then I decided NOT to work out. I just didn't feel up to it. I found a reason. I forgot my new lock.
I went home and wrapped Jim's gift, wrapping it with clippings from my ESQUIRE and M magazines. The clippings reminded me of Jim or made me feel Jim would appreciate them. I hope he's happy by my thought of sending him the gift. I guess I did it because he's such a nice guy. Also I owed it to him because he let me stay at his apartment last October. He's a chum. After wrapping his gift I took a nap. I showered when I woke up.
Mom telephoned.
"I'm coming over to bring you the roll of film that I bought you for that concert you're going to on Wednesday night."
"Oh, okay...great," I said as I thought excitedly about seeing Diana Ross. I cannot wait. Diana Ross is not my all-time favorite but it will be fun.

I accompanied mom to SAFEWAY and then had a couple of hot dogs and a root beer while at mom's house. I watched two taped episodes of "The Young & The Restless". Then I went straight home. It was already 8:15PM or so and I knew I needed the rest.
Stephanie Kovach-Redding telephoned once again. I should not have been too surprised. She is really pleasant to talk to.
"What's your favorite color?"
I replied, "Blue."
"I knew it!"
"Well, I really like blue, white and silver."
"You won't believe this but those are the colors of my bike."
Sometimes I wondered if she was just making up things.
She said, "I won four-hundred dollars playing BINGO at Armijo High."
"No way. I wish I had your luck."
"Well, if only you were here...I could rub your tummy with some of that luck."
I laughed. She's fun. I am beginning to look forward to the day we actually meet face-to-face.
Michael felt a sensation of warmth stealing over him, like the glow from a glass of wine.
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
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