...his free time was usually spent with the accordion and the music book, with frequent attention given to "La Paloma".
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
"La Paloma" is one of the most popular songs ever written, having been produced in diverse cultures, settings, arrangements, and recordings over the last 140 years.
Listen to "La Paloma" via the accordion NOW by CLICK-ing here:

Twenty-five years ago today:
November 7, 1984
There was no real exciting day to report in terms of sales. I just took typical order requests. I did mange to learn that I actually sold $4000 plus for the month of October 1984. I also learned that being assigned to my new boss (Stephanie) and section was no "funny business". As of Monday I am now in Steph's section with Earl, Hank, Hal, Elizabeth Center, Cindy Chow, Margaret Lai, and Joe. It will be fun.
I had lunch with Bobbie in the company cafeteria. Yesterday, I told Bobbie about Larry Davies, the environmental designer who (sort of) offered me a job promoting his designs while I was in Los Angeles.
After work I was tired. Despite the darkness and early, heavy rainfall I still make it to Laurie's Bay Area Sperm Bank and "gave" a deposit. I was home by 6:15pm or so. I arrived to Helen cooking our dinner.
I did not receive anything vital in my mailbox from the likes of Maria, Chris, Jim, Paloma, Jeffrey. It's 'just as well'.

At about 7:20pm I did get a call from Carmella of MACY's in San Francisco. I have an interview for Friday at the San Francisco store on Powell Street for Christmas help. I immediately called Bobbie Renbarger.
"Did you hear anything from MACY's?" I asked excitedly, "They just called me."
"Oh Michael, you know...I can't believe I never did send in my application."
What a dimwit. She is all talk and no action.

While watching DYNASTY I received a call from Bill Helbush. He was actually returning my call to him that I made the previous night.
After the introductory small talk he came out with the news of his latest conquest.
"I'm seeing someone now named Mitch Tones who lives in San Francisco," Bill announced.
It was then that my call waiting beep interrupted and I said, "Oh that's great, let me talk to you later because I have another call."
Ironically, there was no one waiting.
Helen had informed me that Mike Miller had called earlier but I never returned his call. I think I am going to give Karyn Kossoff a call to see if she received the postcard I sent her from Los Angeles (even though I think I wrote her incorrect address). I also want to tell her about my MACY's job interview. And then, I must get her scoop on each person that works with me in my new section at work.
'Only close examination gets one any further forward...'
-Morag Joss
"Half-Broken Things"
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