I have something for you that I think you will like even better than the cuff links.
You just see."
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"

On November 4, 2009 he wrote the following ‘tweet’ on TWITTER:
Just got to LA will b here for 5 hours n back. Important meetings today!
I thought I’d comment on that, so I “tweeted” him:
@ricky_martin Have a swift flight back & much successful productivity at your meeting. My next meeting is on Wall Street 'en dos horas'.
I was thrilled an hour later because he sent me a private Direct Message “tweet”:
Good luck on yours! peace
In honor of Ricky Martin I thought I would post a music video that he recently “tweeted” as being on his TOP 10 list for a while now. I watched it and was equally moved. Wait for the emotional teardrop:
Twenty-five years ago today:
November 16, 1984
Today was my first section meeting. My section seems A-OKAY. There’s a new guy in our section who had been out on disability. His name is NOT Cory or Conrad. His name seems to have escaped me at the moment but it begins with the letter “C”. He is a nice guy. I like him better than that fat Cindy Chow. She thinks she’s God’s gift to men and a ‘know it all’.
Bobbie’s last day was yesterday. We sent out for a pizza in celebration of her last day (for lunch). It was a little strange how she came in early today to show (and hopefully sell) some antique collectibles to anyone who might be interested. I bought a bike for $4.00. When I look at it I will think of Bobbie.
Karyn said, “I heard a rumor that Bobbie was gay.”
“Well, I don’t know what to believe these days,” I shrugged.
One’s sexual preference doesn’t bother me once the individual personality is known. One’s sexual preference is just another facet of a person. I pretty much used these words while discussing it with Karyn.
My sales day was not so “hot”. I did build some relationships for possible future sales.
After work I went to the ‘Hungry Hunter’ in Oakland for Dolores’ 10-year anniversary celebration for being employed with the company. I sat next to Dolores and Norma Trujillo (another Webster Public Office teller). Dolores was so happy that I attended. I had a good time and the meal was grand. The party was to continue at Ivey’s but it is so dark there that I decided not to go.
Instead, I drove to Concord to Baxter’s because one gal from the Concord Pacific Bell RTOC (Residential Telephone Order Center) said, “I’ll be there.” We had never met in person but we spoke during business calls at the office a few times.
I did not see her there. I did meet others though.
First, I met a gal named Julie and her friend, Kathy, from Napa. I thought Julie may have been the unknown gal from the Concord Pacific Bell RTOC. We danced a few dances.
Then I met Jennifer Andres who works for IBM and lives in Alamo. She was with her friend Katy McDermott who worked for Bechtel Engineering. They were nice. Jennifer and I danced to one song.
Then I met a blond who eyed me and smiled my way from across the bar area. Her name was Liz and she lived in Lafayette. I think she left but before I did.
I was thrilled to hear her say, “I hope to see you here again sometime.”
“Okay, how about next Thursday?” I asked with a serious face followed by my smile.
She gave a return smile with a sexy bat of the eyelash.
I also met Sandy and her friend, Gayle Gilbert of Duluth, Minnesota. Gayle had come to San Francisco to interview for a job with the Federal Probation Department.
“I hope you get the job,” I said.
Gayle was not a real attractive gal, but she was cute with a cheerful personality.
“I’m in the book,” I said. I hope she’ll call me.
I did get Jennifer Andres’ IBM business card. I want to have lunch with her one day.
I also met a guy named Joe who had just moved to the Bay Area a couple of months ago from New Jersey. He was a nice chap. I hope to run into him again.
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