"All that mattered was being at home with my family and feeling that connection again."
-as heard while watching
KYLE-XY, Season II
What are the nine steps to living well forever? There is a book called TRANSCEND: Nine Steps To Living Well Forever. I have not read it. I simply did a quick reference to see what the nine steps are.
According to futurist Kurzweil (The Singularity is Near) and homeopathic medical doctor Grossman (The Baby Boomer's Guide to Living Forever), medicine is transforming into an information technology, which by its nature advances at an exponential rate. Thus, those interested in "radical life extension" must make it their immediate goal to live through the next 20 or so years in order to see advances like DNA reprogramming and submicroscopic, cell-repairing robots.
This book outlines these nine areas.
1.Talk with your doctor
6.Calorie reduction
8.New technologies
I hope you're doing at least five. :(
Twenty-five years ago today:
November 24, 1984
It was funny to hear my brother, John, say these words:
“I’m surprised to see you here on a four-day weekend and not in LA or something.”
“When you are low on funds you have to make new choices.”
John laughed.
I really wanted to ride my bicycle but with my runny nose I knew it was not a good idea.
Yesterday, I filled my car with gas and added two quarts of oil. It’s running smoothly. I need to make the time to clean up the acidic corrosion that has built up around my car battery. That’s an “ugh” of a job.
It is Saturday morning and I am wondering if Aubrey will be around working for my next door neighbor. My radio is playing and the music is giving me revitalized energy. The lyrics make me feel good. I am feeling mobile.
I decided to do something creative in the townhouse. I began posting all of the greeting cards I have received (and saved) over the last two years and paste them all on one wall of my spare bedroom. It looks so good. It’s like a wall collage. I feel quite creative. As I look at each and every photo or card it brings on memories.

Today, I went to visit mom and persuaded her to join me on a driving excursion to San Francisco. We cruised over to MACY’s and Emporium. She bought me a pair of shoes, a scarf, a tie and a lapel pin for Christmas. She’s too sweet. I love her so much. We had fun scouting around ‘The City’. I showed her the Pacific Bell building where I work (at 633 Folsom) and the Men’s Fragrances department that I will soon be working (at MACY’s). We had fun together. We ate lunch at the restaurant inside the Emporium Department Store. Our feet were tired by the time we returned to Alameda.
I was supposed to call Cathy Ainlay about getting together tonight. I asked myself, “Do you really want to?” And so, I decided against it.
I ended up spending the evening with mom and dad watching a movie on videotape called “Angel”. After the movie, I returned to my place to turn in and relax. I was still sniffling and had an on again/off again cough.
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