he does need me
...he really does."
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
Do you remember this exceptional final scene from this excellent 1995 film?
It's all about recollecting all of the facts.
Who is Keyser Soze?

Twenty-five years ago today:
November 11, 1984
I thought I had slept in nicely but it was eight o’clock in the morning! I got up with a boost of energy and rearranged and organized my closets. I accomplished a good deal. After this I drove to mom and dad’s for breakfast and watched the 49er game by which I did NOT win $50 via the grid game bet I had made at work. I returned home to nap.
When I awoke I went cycling around Alameda and I surprised Mary Halverson by dropping in at her pad. She lived nearby and I had seen her in San Francisco and knew her from our school days so it was a nice gesture.
“We should go out for dinner together one evening,” Mary suggested.
“Hey, that’s a great idea,” I said, knowing full well she is NMT (Not My Type).
After that pit stop I went to Sherri’s and watched Ashley get very messy with a teething biscuit.
My next stop was at mom and dad’s house. I watched ‘The Time Machine’ starring Rod Taylor. What an excellent flick!
PHOTO: 2009, Hi Line Park, NYC a time tunnel

I returned to my pad with intentions of going to Bruce’s’ dumb fashion show in San Jose. As it turned out I decided to shower, wash clothes, nap and return to Mom’s to see “Ellis Island”, starring Richard Burton and Faye Dunaway. It made for excellent television watching. On the other hand it is not-so-good for my currently trim waistline. Mom and Dad’s refrigerator is always filled with temptations. I left to watch the end of the movie at my place.
PHOTO: Richard Burton
b. 11-25-1925, d. 8-5-1984

As I was driving home from mom’s I recalled Jeffrey Burr and remembered he had told me he would be in Palm Springs this weekend. I wonder if he’ll write back to me. I may send him a Christmas card. Then that’ll be ‘it’. The same goes for Jim Koran!
I am excited about working at MACY’s and meeting the good looking co-worker gals over there. There are some good looking’ girls that I’ve seen. Again…time will tell.
Time told (sooner than I thought). While watching the end of “Ellis Island” the telephone rang. It was Jim Koran.
“Hi, it’s Jim.”
“Oh hi, how ya doing?”
“I wanted to tell you I received your card on Friday.”
He continued with this roundabout schpiel about his friend, Randy. He tried to explain that Randy did not really know him all that well and to just sort of disregard whatever he may have told me if it was disturbing me.
“I really liked what you wrote in the card about the levels of relationships.”
I had derived it all from philosophical statements I had read over time.
He implied that I seem to give more in my writing than I do in person.
“All I can say is time will tell,” I said in defense, “I tend to be more open over a period of time.”
“No, no…I love the way you are,” Jim clarified.
He seems to love the way I am, I guess. I was glad that he took the initiative to call me at least.
“I really hope you will drop by…even on short notice…or what have you again,” Jim abruptly stated, “I wish you lived around here.”
I sensed loneliness. He is too kind.
Jim continued, “I’ve been receiving a lot of mysterious calls this week from some unknown male at my workplace.”
I know he did not think it was me who was calling his workplace but the fact that he mentioned it made me wonder now if he had suspected me.
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