loosening as it did so my reluctant tongue,
and out they all came, the little secrets of childhood.
-Daphne du Maurier
As a child I remember the wonders of 'The Jetsons' and all of their fantastic technological advances. It was like discovering secrets of my own that no one seemed to know. I identified with "Elroy".

Would you take a ride on an elevator to space, to orbit, to the unknown twenty years from now? It is conceivable that it will be available to you (surely for a price when it makes its debut).
Sir Arthur C. Clarke, a science fiction author, who knew how to mix imagination with scientific reality left the world a legacy of wonderful stories as well as a firm contribution to science. In 1945, Clarke suggested the concept of utilizing geostationary satellites for communications, now a mainstay of our modern world. Another technology, described in his novel “The Fountains of Paradise“, is the Space Elevator.
As recently as November 5, 2009 there was a published Wired.com article by Brian McLaughlin about the reality of a future Space Elevator. It is all in the early development stages today, of course. It could lead to a revolution in space travel as well as spark the imagination of the next generation.
McLaughlin writes of a kilometer climb up a tether at a good clip with a remote power source beaming power to the climber is an important step forward. Space Elevators could easily become a reality in our world. I just have concerns. I have taken high-rise elevators up many floors with a SNICKERS bar in my pocket (figuring if the elevator broke down I could live off of that candy bar for a good week). Now, if I was on a Space Elevator...I would need a box of SNICKERS bars...wouldn't I?
Yikes...I think I'd like a video monitor of old JETSONS episodes too (for inspiration).
Twenty-five years ago today:

November 25, 1984
I took my bike for a short ride to mom and dad’s house for breakfast. I stayed for a while and then came home to watch television and take a nap. It was relaxing.
When mom telephoned I decided to take her up on her invitation to go to Bay Fair Shopping Center in San Leandro. I considered buying a new watch but “latered” the idea.
I went ‘to and from’ mom’s pad and my pad. I ate at mom’s house and made a terrific milkshake combination of orange juice, vanilla ice-cream and almonds.
I watched “The Enok Adventure” and a George Lucas film called “Star Wars”. It was entertaining. Today was meant to be a ‘laid back’ kind of day.

Time passed and I was soon watching Johnny Carson and guest comic Joan Rivers. I went to bed and guessed I was rarin’ and ready for 633 Folsom Boulevard tomorrow. And Tuesday is payday (at least).
"I'll miss you."
"No you won't. You'll soon find other distractions."
-as heard while watching
Season I, Episode 6
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