-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
Twenty-five years ago today:
March 17, 1985
I unpacked by bags, washed a load of clothes by at least putting them in the washing machine. I must remember to move them over to the dryer.
I telephoned Jim Koran and made arrangements to meet him at four o'clock, so we could enjoy dinner together. He may come to my pad afterwards and then I will take him to the Oakland Airport.
I had a great breakfast at mom's house. I shared details about Vegas, including the topless showgirls at The Jubilee show.
"I just plain had fun," I said while explaining the fun of Vegas.
I went cycling for a bit but I yearned for a nap. I attempted and completed a good nap. By 1PM I was driving myself to the gym. I worked out until 3PM. I had to treat myself to an Orange Julius, then I drove into Castro Valley where I found Steve's house (Jim's friend). Jim was there and it felt strange seeing him here, so up close and personal.
Steve is a dentist. His wife is expecting a baby in June. They seem very straight-laced but very nice. Jim and Steve grew up together in Phoenix, Arizona.
We left there by 4:30PM and headed for San Francisco. I was trying to think of a good place to eat and all I could come up with was Hamburger Mary's. I just knew it had atmosphere. Jim loved it. We had a good time and shared a few laughs about the obscene and not-so-obscene pictures on the wall of the restaurant.
"You're looking good and healthy," Jim stated with a smile.
"You too."
"I've decided I don't want to be rushed tonight."
"Good. So you still want me to take you to Oakland Airport later, right?"
"Yeah, that'll be great, if it's no trouble...but not until tomorrow."
"Oh man!"
"I'm just bummed because I overheard the waitress say they're out of avocado."
"The burgers here are so good with the sliced avocado. I'll get over it."
Jim laughed as we both continued to lift one another's spirits.

Some geeky host was being really friendly to us. I felt he was comin' on to me. I started to wonder what the prerequisite was to get a job at Hamburger Mary's. (geeky, overly friendly and a weird haircut...it seemed).
After dinner Jim and I went to Cafe San Marcos and again he was impressed and enjoyed the easy going gay, loungable atmosphere. We shared a few stories. I went on about Bob Umland and his infrequent calling followed by his nonchalant calling 'out-of-the-blue' as if it were just another day.
"I have an interesting story," Jim announced.
"Go ahead, spill," I urged.
"Well I met these two girls and one of them asked me if I'd be willing to have dinner with her and her boyfriend."
"That's kind of odd."
"That's what I thought. And then she said her boyfriend wants to have an affair."
"Ahhh, it is getting interesting."
"The boyfriend has been in Finland. Anyway, they have yet to call me to make the arrangement."
"Sounds like the boyfriend wants to experiment."
"I guess so."
"You'll have to let me know what happens."
Jim and I were kind of starry-eyed and we decided to go home to relax at my pad. It was funny when Jim said, "If one of us becomes famous before the other we'll still have to be in touch."
"I guess it's possible that could happen. I'll be in touch," I assured him.
"I will, too," Jim smiled.
Jim liked a Thunderbird greeting card and I think he expects me to send it to him in Los Angeles. I will surprise him.
While at my house Jim said, "Wow, I really like your mirrored tables, your bike plaque and your whole pad."
I thanked him and Jim looked through my photo album while I spoke to Dale on the telephone briefly. Dale was telling me about our coworker, Joshua. Apparently, Joshua's son had died.
Dale remarked, "I'm not going to the funeral."
"Well, I don't know Josh very well. I'll talk to you about it later."
Jim and I talked some more and gazed into each other's eyes. Then the doorbell rang.
"Who could that be?" I asked aloud.
I answered the door and it was more 'boat people' for Marty. Jim came out of the bathroom and saw all of these 'boat people'. He was probably laughing inside. Both Jim and I gave a warm "Hello" to the group. We watched a bit of TV and went to bed.

Jim slept with me. I was wondering what may be going through my roommate's mind. Jim was erotically charged. Eventually he became orally stimulating towards me and it drove me crazy. We slept well. I awoke in the middle of the night once or twice, realizing he was there.
In the middle of the night I said, "I'm glad you are here."
"After that, I hope so!"
I had missed him. He keeps telling me what a nice ass I have and touches it a lot. No complaints. He's a gentleman.
"Fornication on a massive scale leads to confusion."
-Jeremy Irons
"Casanova" (2005)
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