-Scarlett Johansson
to Javier Bardem
"Vicky, Cristina Barcelona"
Twenty-five years ago today:
March 12, 1985
I arrived at Cafe Bianco first. I ordered a cinnamon roll with milk. Bruce arrived minutes later and we sat together at a table. He had a nice morning smile on his face. It almost looked like a kind of "dirty" smile. I did not like it at all. We made small talk at first, talking about Mary Halvorsen Monroe and her new Executive Recruitment job. He went on to talk about his own job hunting and handling.
"Do you want to come up to my office?"
"Okay, since we're here, why not?"
He almost got a little too close for comfort while on the elevator. I couldn't wait to get to the appropriate floor. Elevators take longer when you really need to be where you want to be. We passed his bald-headed boss and went directly to his office.
"Could I have a glass of water?" I asked.
He opened a cabinet first, then in the process attempted a 'hug of a hold' and who knows what else. I backed away in a flash. It freaked him out. He had this look of surprise and bewilderment.
"Okay," he shrugged.
We then talked a little about my present position. I started to question him about prospective Advertising Sales jobs. He didn't seem to be any help. Then he thought of something he needed.
"By the way, could you get information on a disconnected telephone account?"
"I can check."
We left it at that and I headed to my office.

When I was at work I spoke to Neil Austin who is a friendly sort. I like that he's always smiling. His Bostonian Massachusetts hat is kind of cool, too.
Neil said, "Oh Mike, Thanks, I got your note about that BART bulletin."
"No problem."
Then Emmy Pena (the guy who dressed in drag at the last company function) came by and he started to tell me of his current living situation.
Emmy said, "Yeah, it's no fun to have to look for another place."
Emmy is pretty nice but way to wild for me to handle. I actually have drag pictures of him to prove it.
Paloma telephoned me at work. Earl Kirk passed the message my way. Earl actually met Paloma at that Pac Bell party. I returned Paloma's call to get the latest scoop.
Paloma said, "I talked to my friend Eugene who I hadn't spoken to in two years. He was happy to hear from me."
I wonder what history she has with Eugene. That's funny because it's Dale's middle name, too.
I met Dale for lunch per a written message from Hal. We were to meet in front of McDonald's. From there we went to the Union Square Park. We saw Joanie Greggains, the fitness expert, with two wild punk rocksters (as if they were so special). At first I was wondering who in the hell they were (looking so flashy).
Dale and I often see those two elder twin ladies on Market Street. I should bring them a photo I took of them a couple of years back.
"I have news Michael."
"What now?"
"I got Steff to approve a meeting tomorrow morning with a customer in Walnut Creek."
"You did?" I asked. "That's great, does that mean a WATS sale for you?"
"Well, it could, but I'd like to include you in the meeting."
I thought that was especially neat that he wanted me to go to the meeting.
"I don't know if Stephanie will allow it though."
"You let me take care of that," Dale said.
I took my afternoon break with Mary and Sue again. I didn't tell them any more D.O.D. (Dirt On Dale) because I confessed to Dale already about what I had told them.
He was pissed-off, at first.
Dale exclaimed, "You wait...I'm going to tell them about your call to 'The Connector' and meeting that guy, Bruce!"
Who knows what else he would tell? That didn't make me feel very good. Dale has a way of back stabbing, then walking away and leaving one's mouth wide open...'wondering what to do'. I wasn't sure if he was kidding. I didn't feel the two minor things I told Mary and Sue were anything.
Later I was pissed-off when Mary came by my desk and said, "Dale says that if I tell him what you told me today he would give me a real mud pile on you."
I just shook my head and rolled my eyes and took my next customer phone call.
Dale said later, "I will never reveal your innermost and detrimental stories to any one."
"Thanks. I guess that means I can trust you."
"But, of course!"
I believe him but I wonder if pushed far enough...Who? When? Where?
Paloma called me when I arrived home.
"You're the one that's the odd ball...or the only one left out now that Tony and John are getting married."
"Yeah, I guess so, huh?"
"I want to tell you about the call to Paris."
So, I listened but interrupted.
"Let me refresh your memory that we almost got married in January."
She seemed to avoid the subject until she said, "Wait until I hear back from Air France or Iberia, then we could go to the Bahamas for fifty-dollars as a married couple."
I thought quietly to myself, "I like her so much...but the commitment is so heavy. Would it be tainted love...like that song?"
I've got this burnin' yearnin' feelin' inside me and it hurts so bad...I want her...time will tell.
Paloma continued, "I have to go see Ms. Olympus at nine o'clock on the SPORTS CHANNEL, so I'll talk to you later."
I called my brother, John, and he was getting ready to leave for the Drive-In movies with Sherri and Ashley.
"Oh, I wanted to come over to watch your SPORTS CHANNEL because Paloma tells me there's a show I should see."
"Well, I'll leave the key under the mat so you can watch it here," John replied.
"Oh great, Thanks."
I went to my gym and 'dumb me' forgot my shorts. I worked out in my jeans. They noticed me in my jeans and I got in trouble.
One of the girls who works at the gym said, "You can't work out in street clothing."
I gave her a dirty look and just left.
I went to John's house and watched Ms. Olympus on the SPORTS CHANNEL. While I was there I ended up taking three telephone messages for them:
1. An inquiry for John's car that is for sale
2. A cancellation for John's golf game
3. A message from Sherri's mom, Janet Lewis
While Ms. Olympus made her first appearance Dale Orlando called. We talked about trivial things for our Vegas trip.
When I returned home Steff called me twice. She's continuing to become as overbearing as ever.

I showered, shined and went to bed. Yawn.
She gave him the best things a woman can give to any man--worship, tenderness and love.
-Oscar Wilde
"Lord Arthur Savile's Crime"
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