-James Kirkwood
"Good Times Bad Times"
Twenty-five years ago today:
March 19, 1985
I woke up and arrived in San Francisco early. I took good care of the RCF (Remote Call Fowarding) order I needed to set up. My section was having a meeting but I didn't go because I was scheduled for 800/WATS Sales Training.

Dale and I went to the 666 Folsom Building. When we walked off of the elevator at the sixth floor Dale happened to see Terry (his ex ex). Dale has a real "fit" when he sees him. He gasps and gets all nervous. It's funny.
Our 800/WATS class is so laid back. Mary (our instructor is really cool). She let us out for lunch from 12:15 to 1:30PM. And we've already been told we will have a 2-hour lunch this coming Thursday!
Today Dale and I ate at Wendy's. We saw Guy Grivet and his pal and Terry in the same vicinity. It's a funny thing how we run into familiar office co-workers at lunch time.
My cough is still acting up. I hate the feeling.
After our lunch on Market Street Dale and I went to Franco Ferrari's. I saw the $350 suede, cashmere and leather sweater top that I want. We also popped over at MACY's and it all looked very low-budget after going to Franco's.
I told Dale, "When you leave a store like MACY's you have to speak loud enough for the clerk to here you say 'Let's go to Franco's or Wilkes'."
As we left MACY's Dale saw the other Dale who works in the AIC (Account Inquiry Center). This Dale cuts hair on the side and I am very leery of him. Dale spoke a few words to him.
While in 800/WATS Sales Training class Dale showed us a few pictures that included photos of his brother, Paul, his other brothers, his mom and dad, his half-sister and others. He has a good-looking family. I must say.
I asked, "Do you have a picture of Peter, the one who works in Walnut Creek-DA that you want me to meet?"
"No, but I'll bring it in tomorrow."
I got out of work by 4:30PM, so I was home by 5:05PM. I took a nap until 7PM.
"Ahhh, what a good feeling to rest," I thought as I stretched my way out of bed.
I telephoned my Dad and he kept asking, "Huh?" after every word I spoke. I got fed up and called my brother, John.
"Is it okay if I stop by now to deliver some of your mail?"
"Yeah, okay...we're about to have dinner buy you can come over."
They were having corn, fettuccine and steak. I sipped some wine and had a bit of strawberry shortcake. Ashley is getting bigger and so cute. I stayed there until 8:30PM and decided to go home.
Marty had not come home which was fine with me. I decided to call Frank Vasconcellos. He still wants to work for a mortuary. I tested him with the idea of accompanying me on a Hawaiian trip in September.
"I'm all for it, Michael. I just don't think I'll be able to afford it."
"Well, it's early yet. Maybe you can do it by then. You remember Paloma, right?"
"She may be getting a job with Air France. I think she is going back to Paris."
"Really? That's funny because I'm trying to get a job with Air Cal"
"That sounds good. Guess what else?"
"My brother, Tony, is marrying Helen."
"Wow, a lot is happening now, huh?"
We didn't talk much longer and I decided to call Paloma.
Paloma and I had our usual nice chat.
"I got your postcard from Vegas."
"Did you like?"
"Yeah. I hope to make my home the San Francisco area even if I start working with Air France."
"That would be great."
"Are you still going to the gym?"
"Yeah, you?"
"Of course."
We spoke a bit more about our bodybuilding and how we want to go to Santa Cruz one weekend soon (Saturday?). We also talked about the idea of going to a restaurant in San Francisco once-a-month.

"You won't believe what happened today," Steff said giggling.
"What? Just tell me."
"You won't believe it. A BIG male stripper stripped for me in the office today!"
"Why wouldn't I believe it?"
She laughed. I couldn't believe how 'into it' she was over a stripper. I could tell.
"I wish I was there so I could figure out what got in to you. I would be so much more critical."
She was so enthralled. Again, she laughed in ecstasy at the thought of the stripper.
"I can't even afford to blink. I miss too much."-Aaron Eckhart
"In The Company of Men"
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