One thing about death, no matter all the others--the sadness, the wonder, the shock or the fright--is simply the pure importance of it. I've heard people say you don't feel the importance of someones death until way later.
-James Kirkwood, b. 1924, d. 1989
"Good Times Bad Times", a novel
PHOTO: Dale Orlando 'In The Closet',
July, 2, 1989, Hollywood, Florida
Dale had a child with his wife, Dee Orlando, and they named their son Andrew Michael Joe Orlando. It was touching to me that Dale would name his son after me. I wish I knew where Andrew 'Michael Joe' Orlando is today. He is my namesake and I would love to be a part of his life now. Maybe he will SEARCH his name and read this someday.
I visited Dale when he moved to Hollywood, Florida during the Fourth of July week of 1989. He toured me around to the Vizcaya Museum, the Everglades and we even took a one day cruise to Freeport, The Bahamas. I still remember the Pillsbury Dough Boy Cookie Jar that Dale had in his kitchen. I really liked it. When I saw the Pillsbury Dough Boy at the Thanksgiving Day Parade 2009 I thought of Dale.
PHOTO: Dale Orlando, Michael Armijo
At Dale's apartment, Hollywood, Florida
July 4, 1989
Dale and a coworker friend, Laverne Butler, helped me to move to Los Angeles in October 1989. Dale returned on his own for the Halloween 1989 West Hollywood Festivities. He wanted to dress as a Nurse. I thought he was kidding--but he actually did. I was a Vampire doctor. I believe this was the last time I saw Dale, in Los Angeles, Halloween 1989.
PHOTO: Nurse Orlando and Dr. Dracula Armijo
Halloween 1989, Los Angeles, CA
The last I heard was that Dale died of AIDS in the 1990s sometime. I don't know the specifics. I do believe it was our friend, Laverne Butler, who gave me the news. Still...the fond (and sometimes foolish) memories I have of him have been documented. I wish he were alive to read them. He always wanted to get his hands on my journal.
Twenty-five years ago today:
March 6, 1985
Steff telephoned Dale Orlando at work today about WATS 800 telephone service. She is trying to gather information from him about my feelings for her. Dale is being on good behavior (I think).
Dale said to me in his best-friends tone, "I'm just telling her that Michael is the one that will have to inform you of his feelings."
I cannot help but have my doubts. He knows that Paloma is still around. Who knows what Dale is actually saying.
Bob Umland telephoned me at work today. I returned his call and we finally spoke to one another without having to relay a message. We may see each other on Sunday. He's a creep! He seems to feel that I'm dumb or dense. He was actually dumbfounded when I told him that I had called him last night.
Bob said, "Oh, and about the Fashion Show...I was working backstage."
I don't believe him. And I think I'm a fool if I do see him on Sunday. I just may make up a phony excuse to spite him. His illustrious, caring feelings are so apparent (I am being sarcastic).
My supervisor, Stephanie Bautista, whispered in my ear at my cubicle.
"Michael, there's a slight rumor going around that Dale is putting the make on you and arranged for ONE King-sized bed for the two of you in Vegas."
I gave her a shocked look and said, "I don't believe it! Well, don't worry. I'm old enough to take care of myself."
Besides, the idea of Dale & I 'together' in any other way besides friendship is a joke.
Now that I've read TAROT card complete readings for both Dale Orlando and Margaret Lai I can move on to Sue Fischer, Hank Stuart and Theresa. They all want me to read their cards. I already know that Sue and Hank may possibly have ulterior motives about me. I'm leery, yet tempted.
After the morning had past Dale and I made a run for it to the Galleria for pizza. He continues to tell me stories that curl my toe nails. I wish and hope I remember all of his stories. He has a friend named Peter that reminds him of 'me'.
Dale says, "Oh Michael, Peter works out and he is really good looking."
I thought silently, "Thanks Dale," and said, "So what's his story?"
"Well, I introduced Peter to an eighteen year old chum that I happened to have a fling with in my old apartment building."
"So...does Peter like this guy?"
"Peter is a 'love em and leave em' kind of guy. He's not as sensitive and compassionate as you are."
I smiled. "I can't argue there."
Cindy Chow and Dale Orlando were presented roses for being the TOP sales people of 1984. They gave me their roses to give to Paloma. I thought that was so nice. I telephoned Paloma as soon as I arrived home. She liked the roses. I know Dolores liked them because I let her carry them to the BART station.
Paloma arrived at my place at 7:30PM. I had just arrived home after buying a banana cream pie. Marty, my roommate, was there but he (at least) stayed upstairs. He did come down for an introduction to Paloma. I had some good laughs during the evening. We always do. She is my heart's source of fun and laughter. She wore 501 Levi jeans and a denim-like shirt, making her still look like she just walked off of a magazine ad (a posh magazine).
The telephone rang after we'd eaten the delicious quiche.
I asked Paloma, "Could you answer that?"
To my amazement, it was Steffanya! I took the phone from Paloma and heard Steffanya say, "I can't go to Tahoe on the twenty-eighth."
"I'll let you go."
I thought, "If only she meant she'd LET ME GO literally."
I mean, there's no future in us except a possible friendship. I let her hang up.
I told Paloma, "It was just a friend at work asking if I knew the service committee meeting was canceled."
The phone rang again. This time it was the Serv-O-Matic bitch that I finally told point blank, "I'm just not interested!"
Now, if I were only that brave to say that to actual friendly acquaintances like Bob, Bruce or Steffanya.
I let Paloma borrow my bullet belt. She really liked it.
"I want to look tough," Paloma said.
"That bullet belt should do the trick."
I got into my white terry cloth robe and we lounged under a blanket in front of the TV to watch DYNASTY. It was funny while we lounged. We cuddled and we admired the fireplace scene on the TV show.
Paloma spoke to me in French (turning me on). She looked too good in her 501's. I later learned she had no pantie line (Oh well, next time). There will be a next time.

I made a bet with Dale that I could go without a JO experience for a long while. I've been real good so far. I haven't done anything "sexual" since Sunday, March 3, 1985. In the morning it's kind of difficult though...let me tell you.
Marty had a guest tonight as well. Some oriental girl dropped by and I believe her name was Sue (?). They lounged upstairs, watching his TV.
I have an appointment with my supervisor, Stephanie Bautista, about my career path tomorrow morning at 10:30AM.
Paloma is so much fun.
"Do you have plans to go out dancing this Saturday?" I asked. "Because I thought Chris and I may to go the I-BEAM."
"I was going to go to a party in, uhh."
I am still curious as to where I stand with all of these body builder dudes that are around her all of the time.
Dale called me right after Paloma left for the night.
"Oh Hi! Paloma's quiche was so good and so were my frozen vegetables...and so was my Mrs. Wright's Banana Cream pie."
I'm starting to increase my comfort level about telling Dale all kinds of things now. It's becoming easier to tell him stuff. I am still leery about giving him the whole account of myself. I did tell him about Seth (Bruce Diamond) and my meeting with him at The Metro for breakfast after our chat via 'The Connector'. I remember Dale being in awe and so interested in this story. I also shared my opinion of Bob Umland and his lack of wit.
"I don't care for his past actions so far as I'm concerned," I explained to Dale while talking about Bob Umland.
I think I went to sleep after I felt I gave him a lot to dwell on. Yawn.

I looked out the window, still pitch-black.
I lay there thinking how the whole country, half the world probably, was asleep, and I just let that silence of the early morning seep into me and soon, without moving a muscle, I was asleep myself.
-James Kirkwood
"Good Times Bad Times"
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