-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
On June, 22, 2005 I was sent a newspaper clipping from Gloria Weiner Freiman Cohen. The article was from the Los Angeles TIMES Calendar section. The heading was "Here's looking at the best movie lines, kid". The sub-heading: The American Film Institute ranks the 100 most memorable quotes.
Here is the Top 10 list (Can you guess the film attached to the line?):
1. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
2. "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."
3. "I coulda been a contender."
4. "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
5. "Here's looking at you, kid."
6. "Go ahead, make my day."
7. "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
8. "May the FORCE be with you."
9. "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night."
10."You talking to me?"

The oldest movie line was ranked number "71" from 1927's "The Jazz Singer":
"Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothin' yet."
-Al Jolson
The newest line was Andy Serkis' "My precious" from 2002's "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers." (ranked number "85")
Single words made the list:
Orson Welles' "Rosebud" (ranked number "17") from "Citizen Kane"
Walter Brooke's "Plastics" (ranked number "42) from "The Graduate"
Answers to the Top Ten 'Best Movie' Lines':
1. Clark Gable, Gone With The Wind
2. Marlon Brando, The Godfather
3. Marlon Brando, On The Waterfront
4. Judy Garland, The Wizard Of Oz
5. Humphrey Bogart, Casablanca
6. Clint Eastwood, Sudden Impact
7. Gloria Swanson, Sunset Boulevard
8. Harrison Ford, Star Wars
9. Bette Davis, All About Eve
10.Robert DeNiro, Taxi Driver
Twenty-five years ago today:
March 9, 1985
I called Jim Koran at 9:20AM and he was viewing a tennis match. He wanted to give me his friend's telephone number for when he comes up to Northern California next weekend. I jotted it down '582-9498'.
"I won't be returning to LA until nine-thirty on Sunday," Jim reminded me.
"Okay, maybe I can take you to the airport."
Today is Saturday and I am off to Hayward to see about getting a new GENIE garage door opener. I hope today is also income tax refund day.
Mom and I brought Ashley with us to Hayward. Ashley was hardly a nuisance at the EDCO Electronics joint. In fact, Ashley's smile makes me feel all the more pleasant and at ease. Mom's smile isn't bad either.
After I got my garage gadgets reprogrammed we went to Wendy's for lunch. I was feeling good and I put the convertible top down. It was fun on this fairly warm day. Ashley made a few loud screeches while at Wendy's. She got a fair share of stares.
I dropped mom and Ashley home and went to test my garage opener. It worked. It didn't take long and the day was still so warm, so I decided to go biking. I passed and waved to my Dad as I rode speedily along Harbor Bay Parkway. Dad was doing his Saturday afternoon walk. I continued riding up to Lake Chabot. I realized the difference from the actual bike versus the Nautilus gym Life Cycle. It was a nice ride. I know I will do it again. I didn't stop to rest except for once on the way back at Doolittle Drive (near the San Leandro Estuary). I needed water.
I dropped by mom's and was surprised to find Ashley still there with Sherri. Sherri's girlfriend came by to pick her up while mom and I were watching the movie, "Against All Odds". When Sherri left I learned that my mom was upset.
Mom said, "Sherri said 'like father like son'. She was talking about John being lazy."
I didn't want to hear my sister-in-law bad mouth my dad.
It all started when Sherri asked me, "Would you wash my car for fifty-cents?"
I laughed. Anyway, I didn't want to hear ma and pa complain about Sherri's ways either. So I split the scene.
While home I napped, recalling the gossip I shared with mom about last night.
"So mom, I ran into Tony and Helen last night and I had a feeling Helen's comment about she and Paloma becoming in-laws was more than just a little comment. What do you think?"
She shrugged without commenting on it but seemed to curl her lip negatively.
The telephone rang from someone asking for Jeff. It was a wrong number. Then Steff called and was all perturbed about a gala ball event that she was supposed to attend with her ex-husband's father.
"I ended up not going and went with Tabitha to visit a sick friend."
"You had to do what you felt was right for you."
"Yeah, and the sick friend had attempted suicide."
She sent me a 'C'est La Vie' card, pointing out the fact that she knew I did NOT like her. Yet, she is still calling me. (?) She also sent a 'Dear Bill' letter that was meant for her cousin but she sent it to me because I think she actually wanted me to read it. She's weird.
I made a LEAN CUISINE dinner when the telephone rang. It was mom this time.
"Do you want to come over to see 'The Elephant Man' with me?"
"Sure, I want to see that, too!"
We watched the movie together and that line 'My Name is John Merrick' kind of stuck with me in a strange sort of way. The movie helped to be reminded that those people who are disfigured or have missing limps, blindness, etcetera are the real victims (compared to one under stress over a tidbit item).
"All LIFE is an experiment.
The more experiments you make the better."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
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