-Up In The Air (2009 Film)
Twenty-five years ago today:
March 25, 1985
While I was in the shower the telephone rang. It was Paloma.
I called her back. She was taking a 9AM flight to France. She has a return flight scheduled for April 11, 1985.
"The return flight is 'up in the air' as far as I can tell," Paloma said.
"I miss you already."
Once again, time will tell what the future holds.
I said, "Have a good flight, I love you."
"Me too," she said.
My heart is soft in feeling.
I was hanging-out at the Car Pool Parking lot, waiting for Tim and Al to show up when Dale suddenly came by.
"I'm on my way to Oakland for a special Training Sales thing."
I began to wonder if Dale brought me here as a ploy for me to be late. Tim and Al never showed up. The creeps (or was it all Dale's doing?). I ended up getting to work in the nick of time (8:30AM sharp).
Work was a drag today. My sales weren't too sharp. As for lunch...well, I went for a walk to Market Street. I dropped in to see Gilbert Hernandez, the modeling agent. He was busy with some geeky male model. I left after a mere simple "hello". I decided to go to Carl's Jr. for a burger and shake.
Sue and Mary joined me for the afternoon break.
"I have another piece of gossip for you," I said.
"What?" Mary said as her eyes perked up.
"Okay, but you have to promise you wont' tell Dale I told you."
"We won't...tell us," said Sue.
"Dale is only twenty-one years old."
"What? There's no way," Mary said. "I can't understand why he's so sensitive about that."
"I know but he doesn't want anyone to know."
"We'll keep our promise, won't we Mary?" Sue questioned Mary with a mysterious eye.
Mary asked, "Do you think Dale and his wife are having problems?"
"It's so funny you should mention that because Dale said he planned on looking for an apartment in Alameda this summer!"
"He did?"
"Yeah, it beats me as to what's going on with him."
I sent Paloma another card. The one with the skyline view of people lying out on the beach. It ought to remind her of our day in Santa Cruz.

Dale gave me an "Oh Sigh" kind of card which reminded him of me and my 'frequent rosy palm dealings'. That's his phrase for jerkin' off.
After work I went to Dad's and watched the ACADEMY AWARDS there. It was okay. "Amadeus" cleaned up and Sally Field won the Best Actress Oscar for "Places In The Heart".
1984 Oscar Winners: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xpqp6mayfxU
I went to the gym after the Oscars. It didn't feel like such a good work out because I had just eaten a couple of hours before.
Some gal who works at the gym was being very friendly with me. She's cute. I felt guilty, looking and wondering about this gal with Paloma being a few countries away.
By 10:30PM I was in the gym shower and the Jeffrey Burr older lookalike was there as well.
At first I thought, "Ugh". Then I thought, "Yummm".
It's eerie. This is the third or forth time he's been in the showers with me at the same time and I don't believe it's a coincidence. I finally talked to him near the locker area.

I said, "You must come here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday."
He replied, "Yeah, that's right."
I smiled. "You start to see the regulars around here after a while."
He smiled back and 'that was that'.
I drove home and telephoned Dale. He had some scoop.
I said, "Bring a second set of clothes so you can spend tomorrow night at my pad."
"Okay, will do."
We are going to show two girls from San Diego the San Francisco sights. Dale had said that he met them through the Sales Training course on Hegenberger Road in Oakland. It could be fun.
Dale was excited and said, "One of the girls is A-Okay and the other is really cute."
"Sure, we'll see."
"Live the wonderful life that is in you!
Let nothing be lost upon you.
Be always searching for new sensations."
-Oscar Wilde
"The Picture of Dorian Gray"
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