-Stefan Zweig
"The Post-Office Girl"
Ever hear the PET SHOP BOYS sing "Shopping". Oh, it's a classic (I like when they spell the word 'S H O P P I N G'):
Twenty-five years ago today:
December 22, 1984
It's Saturday morning and there is no sign of good ole Aubrey next door. I dressed in my casual wear to meet with Erika for coffee but there was no answer at 9:45AM. And so, I stopped over at mom's and called Sue Miller, inviting her to join me at Ole's Waffle Shop on Park Street. She had plans to have breakfast at her mom's house.
Sue added, "I want to go to MACY's though. Why don't I call you when I'm done and we can go."
"Okay, that sounds great."
And so, I waited for Sue Miller to call back. I took a stroll from my mom's house to my pad. I wrote five more Christmas Cards while I was waiting. I sent them to the following:
1. Bob Umland
2. Bill Helbush
3. Michael Thoennes
4. Erika Hurst
5. Pat Shikuzawa
Once Sue called to say she'd be over shortly I received a call from Erika Hurst.
"Oh, hi Erika! I was just about to step out. Maybe we can meet this afternoon at two o'clock or so since the morning coffee didn't work out."
"Oh, okay...call me."
I never did call because Sue and I ended up shopping around at MACY's until about two o'clock. I had fun. Sue is my dear, good buddy and always will be--I trust.
I spent the rest of the afternoon at mom's wrapping Grandma's present and a last minute gift of earrings for Sherri. I munched out on M&M cookies, of course. Mom made cookies all day. It smelled so good in the house. I babysat for Ashley while 'ma and pa' went to LUCKY's for groceries.
Sherri and Anna came by to pick up Ashley.
Anna said, "I don't think I've ever met you."
I know I've met her though. I think it was when she was about fifteen or sixteen. Sherri showed off some of the cute, new pictures of Ashley, too.
I returned home at around 10:30pm after watching a string of television shows (Gimme A Break, Spencer and Finder of Lost Loves).
Sue Miller called me at 11:15pm. It was another surprise call.
"I wanted to know what you wanted for Christmas," Sue said, "Would you believe I just left from Mervyn's? It was open until eleven tonight!"
Tis the season.
It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never all dried at once;
a shower is forever falling; vapor is forever rising.
-John Muir
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