All day in the office, evenings at a party, at night in the streets, and nothing to excess. A way of LIFE so natural that it borders on excessive!
-Franz Kafka
"Description Of A Struggle"
Here are some courageous predictions for 2010:
-Apple will unveil an iPad digital tablet.
-Netbooks will move upscale.
-IBM will buy Juniper Networks.
-There will be 300,000 iPhone applications by the end of 2010 (nearly triple the current number).
-Spurred by federal stimulus dollars, 77 million Americans (25 percent of the population) will have electronic health records, compared with about 14 percent now.
READ the complete December 3, 2009 article here:
Twenty-five years ago today:
December 7, 1984
The day started out quite complimentary. It's great when you get a compliment from a complete stranger. This morning as I was walking to work a light-complected black lady came up beside me.
She said, "I have to tell have a very manly walk and it does something to my insides."
All I could think of saying at the time was, "Why Thank You!". I followed that with a smile, of course. As I continued my walk to my office building I thought how courageous and nice it was of her to say what she did.
I had a pretty good sales day, too.
At lunchtime, Karyn and I ate at 'The Metro Cafe'. We had a good time. It was special as we visited the newly constructed Marble Arcade area in front of CITIBANK Headquarters. She made me laugh--as usual. It was funny today (at noon) when I saw those books: US, ME, YOU, HIM and HER by Anonymous. There were so good when I read them some five or six years ago.
After my work day I went to Barnaby's for two Happy Hour cocktails. Karyn Kossoff and I got a bit more 'lovey-dovey'. We flirt so well together. I left and I imagine she went back for more fun.
When I arrived home I read my mail. I was perturbed when I opened a letter from FIRST CARD VISA and noticed a debit adjustment.
I telephoned Bob Umland. His cousin answered his telephone. I simply left a message with him: "Could you just tell him that Mike called."
This Bob is much too unpredictable. Oh well, tomorrow is my MACY's day. G'Night.
He was an actor, could anyone know when an actor was true and not acting?
-Ira Levin
"Rosemary's Baby"
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