You had to keep faith with people
and with friendship.
You had to continue to believe.
After all
...people are all we've got.
Mavis Cheek
"Mrs Fytton's
My life is a symphony composed of three distinct movements:
'a lot of people',
'a few people',
'almost no one'.
by Paulo Coelho
"Like The Flowing River"
My life is a symphony composed of three distinct movements:
'a lot of people' (turning on the computer),
'a few people' (a dinner party for four),
'almost no one' (a solitary walk in the park or countryside).
by Michael J Armijo
December 3, 1984
Work was all right today. My sales figures were not bad either (considering what my peers are doing).
I ate in the cafeteria with Bob Gross and Ryan Hargrave. Ryan was all chipper and excited about going to the Hall & Oates concert. I opened my big mouth and Karyn Kossoff kind of ‘flipped out’ because she did not know about the concert.
I received my $100 Savings Bond for my perfect attendance today. That was an unexpected treat. I also received three VISA gift cards for the recent RCF sales contest. Hurrah!
I did give Carl his $200 check for the Raleigh bike. I don’t regret the purchase because I know I’m going to love his bike.
After work I came home to exercise with my favorite QUAKE radio tunes.
PHOTO: Time Warp, 1984
Michael J Armijo dancing with
Karyn Kossoff

I telephoned Karyn Kossoff and we talked non-stop from 7:30pm until 10pm! I could not believe it. We created an ‘office poem’. It was so much fun. We shared so many laughs. It was great fun!
At 10:10pm I telephoned Bob Umland and invited him to dinner for tomorrow night.
“I can’t really give you a definite answer now but I will call you at your office tomorrow,” Bob replied.
Such is life.
Now it is time for rest.
"Do not become too enamored with the process; remember the goal."
-Bette Bao Lord
"Spring Moon"
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