...I don't know of anyone else whose arrival could get me in such a dither."
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
Twenty-five years ago today:
December 4, 1984
It was an okay work day despite the obnoxious attitude of Hal, a co-worker. He acts like he is a know-it-all. He has a very stubborn attitude.
Karyn and I laughed silently when we heard Eileen reading her anonymous poem (that we secretly wrote for the next TGIF publication). We can’t wait until the Office TGIF File newsletter is released on Friday. It will be funny just to see and hear the reactions to the poem.
I telephoned Bob Umland during my first break (10:30am) to see if he had made any big decisions yet.
“No, I haven’t. I will call you,” Bob answered.
He sounded happy to hear from me even if he was busy with three customers. I can’t help it but for some reason I have some suspicion as to what on earth is up his sleeve. Where do I stand with him?
I joined Carl and Dolores for lunch in the company cafeteria. We had a nice chat about back problems, disability, etc. Carl has a great build and I find it odd that he has lower back problems. Maybe he lifts weights that are too heavy.
Before I knew it five o’clock had chimed in and I had not heard back from Bob. This added to my curiosity about him. It made me wonder if I should play a cold shoulder act and not call on him anymore. I will let him make more of the initiating moves.
When I arrived home in Alameda at 6:10pm (after filling the car with gas) I stayed home until about 6:45pm. I accepted mom’s invitation for chicken. The dinner was good and I shared a few good words with Dad.
I was back at my place when the phone was ringing just as I entered the house. It was Bob.
“Didn’t you hear all of the rings?” Bob asked in a frustrated tone.
I felt bad because I had just walked in the house. How did I know he was sitting there listening to continuous telephone rings?
Bob grunted. “I was thinking you were trying to avoid me.”
What a joke. Hardly. I guess we are both unsure of each others’ intentions at this point.
All in all, he had called at 7:05pm and he said he did call at 6pm and also my office but ended up getting a “CLOSED” recording. He still had a customer in the Wilkes-Bashford store with up to $7000 in purchases.
“I will call you as soon as it is settled up,” Bob said reassuringly.

And so, now I think he just may come over here tonight after all. Time will tell.
I gave Bobbie Renbarger a phone call and she seems to be doing just fine.
“I still haven’t received my last Pac Bell check though,” Bobbie said, “and I’m selling Christmas trees for Sue Leith and her boyfriend in San Anselmo.”
“That’s different.”
“Yeah, it’ll pay a few bills. I promise to come see you at MACY’s and get some free cologne samples from you!”
I laughed.
Tomorrow is the big first day of employment at MACY’s. I am looking forward to it.
It is just a matter of programming my brain to staying awake later. It will be a longer day and I will need to learn to bear with it. I would rather work at Wilkes-Bashford—but who knows—maybe one day. That’ll be the next step.
It was 10pm and still no word from Bob! I just completed watching Barbara Walters interviews with Sally Fields and Farrah Fawcett. I was debating on whether I would watch Joan Rivers on the Tonight Show. I am puzzled.
"You keep provoking contact!"
-actress Rebecca Hall to actor Javier Bardem
in the Woody Allen film
"Vicky, Cristina Barcelona"
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