-Bette Bao Lord
"Spring Moon"
I will be in Paris, France on this day, April Fool's Day 2010. It's Alan's birthday and we plan on a gastronomic gourmet dining experience at this fabulous restaurant called L'Ambroisie. It's a 3 MICHELIN STAR restaurant. Yummy!
Thank you to our gorgeous, personal Concierge (Paloma Alquier) for making the reservations, using her perfect French language skills.
The featured photo on my BLOG today is the photo I took in Los Angeles the day my French VISA was approved.
Here's a FRENCH song from the 1980's that I just found via an Internet search.
I thought it was COOL...watch the visuals:
Happy Birthday, Alain! Bonjour y Bon Appetit!
And I promise to not say "Je suis occupé" today. ;)
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 1, 1985
Steff called me at 6:30AM and asked, “Are you going to the CHICAGO backstage extravaganza?”
“Sure,” I replied as I thought “I’ll believe it when it happens.”
We are supposed to see DEPECHE MODE in-concert this Wednesday, too. I can’t wait for that outing.

I arrived in The City in the AM in good time (7:40AM).
Dale had “dirt”.
“Ryan had a brief rendezvous on Sunday! Isn’t that good dirt?”
“Yeah, what did you find out.”
“Well, he’s sleazy and too easy. I just can’t believe it. And Karyn is just as bad.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Because she spent the weekend in San Luis Obispo with her Campbell beau, Andy, and they slept together in a hay loft,” Dale revealed. “Grody, but it sounds romantic with the right bodies.”

I laughed.
“You’re too much, Dale.”
Sue Fisher and Karyn Kossoff both made positive remarks about my ‘tan’ today.
Carl Brooks was being kind. I April “fooled” him and our co-worker Joe with fake RCF orders. I also April “fooled” Jewel, Dolores, Sue Leith and Stephanie Bautista with mustard running on your nylons, or ink blots or white out remarks on their respective clothing.
Dale and I had lunch with his wife, Dee, his mom and his grandma. We ate outside on Market Street and New Montgomery. It was a fun, quaint gathering.
The late afternoon moved slowly. My afternoon break was good, spending it with Sue and Dale.
Dale had an announcement.
“I have another special assignment tomorrow in South San Francisco to observe an outside consulting firm. I will be recommending Pac Bell’s billing and Service Order procedures. I want you to go with me, Michael.”
“Yeah,” Sue Fisher perked, “Come to South City!”
“We could meet Sue and Mary at TGI Friday’s after work,” Dale suggested.
“That sounds like fun,” I said reassuringly but I may not go.
After work I didn’t get on to the Freeway until 6PM. I arrived at home in Alameda at 6:30PM because I am not an aggressive enough driver. I was pissed—but I’ll get over it. I filled my gas tank when I hit Alameda and headed to the gym.
While working out at the gym I saw Dawn. She’s nice. She is the gal that I saw last time who said, “I work here.
Dawn is ‘kind of cute’. After my weight lifting and LifeCycle bike ride I decided to ask Dawn a question.
“Could you demonstrate how to work a couple of the machines that no one has ever taught me?”
“Sure I will. Which ones do you want to learn?”
She taught me the rowing machine and the lateral pullover. That was so nice of her.
Dawn said, “You ought to do a fifty-five minute aerobics class. Susan is teaching and she’s really good.”
“You think so.”
“Yes, try it.”
“Okay,” I went ahead and wrote my name on the list.
While continuing to fidget on the machines I met a guy named Buddy. He’s really nice---kind of young---but I like him. I was telling him how I was talked into signing up for the aerobics class.
“You’re crazy to go for the aerobics.”
“Why? Why don’t you try it, too?”
“No way,” Buddy said. He left.
The aerobics class made me work up a sweat. It was quite invigorating. Susan, the aerobics instructor, kept an eye on me. She knew I was a beginner. I noticed Dawn keeping an eye on me, too. Good thing there are mirrors all around the room.

I think Susan liked when I complemented her on her ‘Easter colored’ leotard after the class. I loved the pastel colors.
Susan said, “You did really well in class.”
“Yeah, well I’m really tired.”
The shower never felt so good. When I arrived home I had three glasses of water (and a Pepsi).
Marty said, “Dale called. Steff called. And your Dad called.”
I figured that Dale was probably wondering about the South San Francisco arrangement tomorrow.
I called Steff back.
“By any chance, would you want twenty-five dozen eggs?”
“Would you like to have twenty-five dozen eggs?”
“Why?” I asked, starting to laugh.
“Well, my friend has an over lay from her chickens.”
That’s all I needed to hear.
“No, I don’t think so.”
Who knows what Dad wanted when he telephoned (?).
PHOTO: Voici six oeufs
Photo taken by Michael J Armijo on May 7, 2007
in Napa Valley, California

Marty’s car broke down, so I have to give him a ride to work tomorrow. Bummer. I hope the commute hours are smooth compared to yesterday.
Neil Austin, another coworker, may look for a pad in Alameda.
I explained, “I was looking for a roommate…but not now.”
I am glad I met Dawn, Buddy and Susan at the gym tonight. They all had real ‘human-being’ get-to-know you characteristics. I liked that.
"Do not abandon yourself to a sort of melancholy gloom that can harm you and retard the development of your faculties and prolong the weakness of your temperament. Your happiness, your existence is all that makes mine precious."
-In a letter Philippe Clicquot wrote to his son, Francois Clicquot
as read in the book "The Widow Clicquot"
by Tilar Mazzeo
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