-Dorian Blues (2004)
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 6, 1985
"Thanks a lot!"
Steff rings my telephone at seven-thirty on a Saturday morning. What nerve!
"I just wanted to tell you that I'll deliver your ARMIJO sweatshirt when we see CHICAGO."
I called mom after rolling over and reawakening at 9:30AM. I went over to mom's house for a quick breakfast, rushed back home to a phone call from Jim Koran. I was expecting his call.
While waiting for Jim to call I washed my car and tried to nap. At 11:30AM the call came and we made arrangements for me to come by to Castro Valley at 5:30PM to pick him up at his friend Steve's house. Jim was going to a Pet store and planned on playing tennis this afternoon with Steve Rothi (his Dentist friend).
The rest of the day I spent lounging around, washing a few loads of clothes. I even went to visit mom again for a few minutes.
I noticed my whiskers are growing. I haven't shaved since Thursday. I have decided to test it for a week to see how the facial hair growth turns out.
I stopped at SAFEWAY to pick up my pictures of Paloma and I from our Santa Cruz outing. It was fun to see them.
Helen, my sister-in-law, called me.
"Hi Mike. I'm at your mom and dad's with Chinese food."
"Oh really? I'll be right over."
While I was there, John, Sherri and Ashley stopped by, too. It was a spontaneous Saturday afternoon family gathering. Yes, that's what it was. If only my camera were fixed and loaded with film. Oh well...

Five o'clock rolled around and I went to pick up Jim Koran in Castro Valley. Steve Rothi and his "preggie wife" (Suzanne Rothi) were there. They are a very nice family. They seem rather old-fashioned and strait-laced types. Which is fine in my book. I like them. Jim and I didn't stay for very long. The Rothi's had plans to go out themselves.
Jim and I decidedly went into San Francisco. First, we were hungry so I thought of the Sausage Factory on Castro Street. We ate there and then walked around the area to window shop. We visited the shops that happened to be open.
Later we walked into the "Midnight Sun" which was a first for me. It was a gay bar with video screens similar to the one in Los Angeles.
Jim said, "You need to go out more."
He may be right but I don't feel that way. I'd rather keep my distance from the "Midnight Sun" in San Francisco scene--or The Castro area for that matter!
After the "Midnight Sun" people-watching we went to the Fairmont Hotel and on up to the TOWER for a Pina Colada cocktail. It was so good! We gabbed about general things and I teased Him about his fear of heights.
"You're such a good host," Jim announced happily, "even if I can't see the San Francisco Airport lights or the San Mateo Bridge from this TOWER view."

By now we were beat tired, so we went home. Yes, we went to bed together. And, yes we did. My aloe vera lotion came in handy. It was stimulating but I felt guilt and "ugh" afterward. I kept thinking of Paloma and how I miss her. We fell asleep. Yawn.
"You know me...I don't always think."
"Yes, you do...only NOT with your head."
-The Tudors, Season I
Episode 5
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