-a 7-year old boy named Ryan
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 7, 1985
I awoke early. Jim Koran and I showered. We then went out for breakfast to Ole's Waffle Shop on Park Street in Central Alameda. We ate blueberry and strawberry waffles. Yummy.
I drove over to mom's house and introduced Jim to mom. I had to give mom her instamatic camera. We left there and ventured over to the Ferry Building in San Francisco. We waited on the ferry to Sausalito. We took some pictures 'here n' there'. We walked over to the Hyatt and there were Easter Champagne Brunch happenings going on. At least I was with a 'Jesus-lookalike' on Easter Sunday.
We had our pictures taken together with 'Peter Cottontail'. That was funny.
When we arrived in Sausalito I noticed that Jim was in total awe.
"So far, I'm loving this excursion," Jim said.
We wandered in to shop after shop (including card shops). We browsed decorative ships shops, other memorabilia and souvenir shops.
We ate at the place called HAMBURGER and bought Sausalito BEACH CLUB sweatshirts. I wanted some suede pants and an old-style black telephone but I didn't get them.
We walked up some stairwell and took several neat photos of each other. We got tired of walking and headed for the Ferry by 4:15PM. The Ferry had engine troubles, so we had to bus it back to San Francisco. The adventure was fun though.
We drove back to my pad after paying my four-dollar parking fee. We napped at my pad. Then we woke up and Jim had a suggestion.
"Hey, why don't we go out to San Francisco tonight!"
"Oh, okay," I replied, thinking how I could not let down a visiting guest.
We ended up going to the I-BEAM dance club. Jim felt comfortable there. Lucky for me, the only person I saw was Nathan (Bob Umland's co-hort at Wilkes-Bashford). We hung out, listening to the alternative rock tunes.
There was some PBL (possible gay-type) at the I-BEAM tonight who smiiled at me and said "Hello!".
There was also some NMT (not-my-type) named Richard who made a bet (with his friend) that I was from Mexico City. This Richard character talked to me a bit while Jim and I were simply 'hanging out'.

I looked for Paloma's lesbian friend, Maria, who bartends there but she wasn't working on this night. We watched music videos and I got all excited when I saw Ann-Margret on the screen. She is one of my "faves".
Jim and I decidedly left.
"Let's make a point of coming back tomorrow to shop around in that area," Jim said.
We returned to my pad and slept. Period...(just slept).
"The glass is just a container, it is the content that matters."
-KYLE-XY, Season II
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