-James Kirkwood
"Good Times Bad Times", a novel
What is the G-Spot?
No, it is not the Giorgio-Armani Spot, it's the Grafenberg Spot.
In the 50s of last century, the gynecologist Ernest Gräfenberg described the particular reactions from the area in an article published in the International Journal of Sexology. A subsequent study conducted in 1978 by Perry and Whipple would confirm definitely grounds for Gräfenberg. The term G spot and was inspired by the 80s through the book The G-Spot and Other Recent Discoveries About Human Sexuality (Alice Kahn Ladas, Beverly Whipple and John D. Perry, 1982).
What Is The The Gräfenberg Spot?
The Gräfenberg spot or G-Spot (named after its discoverer, the German gynecologist Ernst Grafenberg) is a small area of the female genital area located behind the pubic bone and around the urethra, ie the front wall or anterior vagina and halfway between the pubic bone and cervix. It is part of the urethral sponge, which houses the Skene’s glands.
Detailed answer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-spot
Do you have an opinion on it?
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 17, 1985
I filled out the forms which state Paloma as my “fiancé”. Once she enters the United States again we have to marry within ninety days.
I telephoned Paloma at about 10AM to let her know what was going on.
“Oh Thank you. You don’t know how much I truly miss you,” Paloma said.
During my first break Dale and I went to a Notary Public who signed the form in my presence and then I mailed it off to the US Immigration Department.
I ate a (quarter-pound) burger with cheese at lunchtime. Dale did not eat. He’s on a diet. He looks like he has lost quite a bit, too.
Since DYNASTY wasn’t going to be on TV tonight I suggested that Dale and I see a movie or go to MACY’s. He concurred. We went to my pad after work today.
While at my place I received a surprise phone call from Chris Cordellos! We caught up on a few things.
Chris said, “I’ve been doing a few things with Clay. And I met a gal named Pearl.”
“Oh yeah? What else are you up to?”
“I’m working in the Tiger Department at MACY’s full-time Monday through Friday from 7 to 3.”
Dale scribbled a note while I was on the phone: ‘MACY’s doesn’t open until 10AM, so why would he be there at 7:30? I think he’s fibbing.”
Dale seemed to make a good point.
“That’s great about the job,” I said. What else could I say?
Chris continued, “The only problem is my car. It’s shot. I am thinking of getting a motorcycle.”
“A motorcycle?”
Chris suddenly whispered, “I only said that so my folks could hear that and think I was serious. They might consider making an arrangement for another car.”
I laughed. “Well, Jim was over last weekend from Los Angeles. And you remember Dale…the guy I work with?”
“He has asked me to be his Godfather to his baby son. Other than that I haven’t been going out a whole lot.”
At work today I got a nice ‘GQ Model’ compliment from Margaret Lai. That was so sweet of her. Margaret Lai reminds me a bit of Sandy Gallegos, my cousin who is getting married in June.
I telephoned mom and told her the news.
“Yeah, so mom…Paloma and I will probably be getting married in July.”
Mom sounded happy. I think she was glad to hear it. I think it comforts her to know that if anything ever happened to her…someone would be there to take care of me.
It freaked me out today when Karyn Kossoff came to my cubicle today to confront me.
“Are you getting married?” Karyn asked in a point-blank, demanding manner.
“No,” I replied and left it at that.
How she got hold of that rumor is beyond me. I could only imagine Tim (Dale’s carpool companion cohort), saying something. Or it could be Dennis Reno; yet, how would he know?
David Vigil returned to the office after his Marathon ordeal in New York. He stopped by my cubicle.
David said in his usual feminine lisp, “Michael, I saw you the Sunday before last at the I-BEAM but didn’t come up to you because I didn’t want to embarrass you.”
“No big deal,” I replied.
Then I thought, “What an ass!”
What will he think when he hears of my marriage plans in June when they are officially announced? (If at all…) Maybe I will keep my marriage ‘hush-hush’ like. Helen and Tony have done it that way. It seems more sensible to cause less question and havoc.
I received a neat “Young John Wayne” card today from my good buddy, Jim Koran. It was a nice card and I know we’ll remain friends (perhaps even after he hears of my wedded bliss news).
Dale and I decided to go to San Francisco to see “The Grafenberg Spot”, an X-rated movie at the Mitchell Bros. Theater. On the way Dale said, “Sue Leith is jealous of all the attention you get from me.”
“She is?”
“Yes, and you are a trite jealous over my relationship with Ryan, aren’t you?”
It all seemed silly. I hope Sue Leith will open up to me more. She’s sweet and I like her.
Dale and I had a good laugh over the “G” Spot flick. I learned a few pointers that I believe will come in handy once I ‘tie the knot’. I shouldn’t worry so much about my sexual performance with Paloma and just take it slow and easy. I’ll probably get more out of it.
Dale mentioned that there was an inside story to Dee’s pregnancy. I wonder what it is.
Dale said, “No one has ever questioned it before.”
And now I am beginning to wonder if the child she is having is really Dale’s child. It must be—but who knows?
“Dee had an abortion some seven years ago and has felt truly guilty ever since,” Dale confessed.
“Really? I am sure my friend, Suzy felt the same way. She aborted at age 21 and is now so-so “Christianity” oriented.”
I tried calling Suzy last night but she was not at home. I talked to her new roommate who remembered meeting me on the beach a few months back. She didn’t look more than sixteen years old (but according to Suzy she is twenty-one).
Dale and I had a good time watching the X-rated flick but I couldn’t believe it when he suggested going to the back row to ‘jerk-off’. I was a definite “NO GO” to that idea. Then the urinating orgasm scene was so funny. We laughed. And the main male character had to be named “Michael”, too. The blond porn actress in the flick was cute and had a nice semi-muscular body. It reminded me of my sweet Paloma.
I had advised Paloma that I would call her on Monday or Tuesday. I also promised to write to her. I’ll have to write her and lay down “some” ground rules about our marriage. I want our marriage to NOT take on a significant change in our current relationship at all. I’d like it to be similar to Dale & Dee’s marriage in that Dale still has his own life. Dee still marks a fraction of possessiveness. I want Paloma and I to have a FUN, semi-open, free marriage. I will have to explain that to her. I mean—I want to be committed to one another but with allowances to going out, not being jealous, not getting angry or being a “nag”.
"And remember, don't allow your emotions to take over. Once you become emotional in debate, you've lost."
-James Kirkwood,
"Good Times Bad Times", a novel
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