Perhaps kindness was becoming a habit with them all.
-Morag Joss
"Half Broken Things"
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 13, 1985
I woke up extra early, so I thought I’d get a head start. I started the engine and drove to Pittsburg, CA where Dale lives. We would tune-up my car. When I arrived at about 8:45AM no one answered the doorbell. I decided to go to a nearby shopping center to call Dale from a telephone booth.
“Oh, come back, I will answer the door now,” Dale said.
I got there and I played WORD games on his APPLE II computer while he took a shower. Dale made breakfast for Dee and me. Then we began to tune-up my car.
Dale said, “We have to go to Kragen Auto Supply.”
Ironically, we ended up going to Kragen Auto Supply about five different times due to fowl ups on the store giving us the wrong spark plugs. They did not have the right ones. We finally got it right and finished the job. Then we fidgeted around his swimming pool and took in some rays.
We took a ride in my car and the engine purred like a kitten. We dropped by Dale’s mom’s house to return some tools. I met two of his brothers. They both seemed very nice. Then I met the fellow Godmother, Cheryl, and her folks. They were hospitable. Cheryl was ‘so-so’.
Dale said, “Cheryl is usually a real LOOKER, but she didn’t have any make-up on today.”
I laughed. “It’s funny how she thought she knew me, but I’ve never seen her before.”
Oh well.
I dropped Dale off at his house and I inadvertently took his garage door opener while he took my sunglasses. We’ll have to exchange the items—at work—on Monday. I think he took my shades on purpose just for a phony excuse to see me deliver them to his cubicle on Monday morning.
When I was in Alameda I went to mom’s for a bite to eat. I wanted to go to the gym but decided against it. Instead, I came home to lounge. I was going to go to bed when the doorbell rang.
“Who could that be?” I asked.
It was none other than Steffanya and her little girl, Tabitha.
“Wow! What a surprise,” I exclaimed.
“Yeah, we were in San Francisco today and met with Gary, the owner of The GRIMME Agency.”
“Oh, well come in.”
Tabitha began to look all around my living room with a slight shyness.
Steff continued, “I wanted to return your pictures and give you some hand-me-downs that you might give to Ashley.”
“Ahh, that’s so nice of you.”
Tabitha was cute and playful (but then, so was Steff). I was remembering how Dale had it tape recorded when Steff said to Dale, “Yes, I do have more than friendly feelings for Michael.”
I was afraid that she might have stronger feelings for me. She must understand the limit to our relationship will only be as friends.
I also received a delightful call from Jim Koran just before Steff arrived. He received the card I had sent him and we simply confirmed our ‘no commitment’ arrangement between one another. That was that. I felt such relief with that situation. I am glad we are still friends. I think Jim wants to meet up this Memorial Day Weekend. I would like to go down to Los Angeles for the visit. Who knows?
Steff left at about 10:30PM. We had a sweet visit. I wonder if she’s trying to buy my heart through ‘hand-me-downs’ for Ashley now? No, I shall not think that. I want to have the fondest friendly respect for her (only). After Steff left I showered sensually and went to bed. Yawn.
He has such powers of endurance and is inwardly so gay that he does not need anyone to keep him entertained, but everyone needs him.
-Franz Kafka
"Wedding Preparations in the Country"
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