That line showed that those years were not unremembered, that he was different for having known me, and what more can I ask, knowing that he remembers?
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
Twenty-five years ago today:
April 16, 1985
I drove all the way in to San Francisco today. There was no carpool pick-up by Dale like yesterday. Boo Hoo.
Dale learned once and for all that Paloma’s brother cannot petition for her to come to the USA until he has had his green card for five years. He has only had it for two years.
My whiskers are still there and growing. So far I’ve heard ‘goods & bads’. Like anything else it will take some getting used to… And then, I may shave it off. The black women seem to like it.
Karyn Kossoff said, “I think it looks good.”
Today I couldn’t keep a straight mind on my work. I was thinking a lot about marriage to Paloma. There are positive moments and then again…I feel a slight, “Uh-Oh, What about my freedom?” So, I’m not sure.
I ended up playing it up lazy and did not drive to Fairfield for the observation of Jean-Pierre’s’ modeling class. What I did do was go straight home and nap until 7:30PM when Steff telephoned.
“Michael, I think Paloma is trying to use you.”
“What? There’s no way.”
“I am telling you that in French Charm School she was literally taught to be sly and conniving with men.”
“Well, I think Paloma is different.”
What nerve!
Dale telephoned me about his visit with Yan, the fellow who got his lover in the USA from France.
“Yan is starting a business but he’s not starting it until next year. So he can’t help until next year.”
“What else did you find out?” I asked.
“In the meantime, you just have to make a decision.”
“Well, I’ve thought it over and of all the good times Paloma and I have shared together it definitely outweighs the bad. I want to marry her. I am beginning to feel real excited about it.”
“Are you sure this is what you want to do?” Dale asked.
“I have a week off in July, so I think I will plan on it for the weekend before that vacation. I love Paloma’s smile and I can just see little Valerian or Dhyana now,” I laughed.
Wow, does this mean I will be a married man before the end of 1985? Oh, it’ll be fun playing “house” with Paloma Armijo.
It was pure laziness last night. I forgot I wanted to write to Paloma and Bobbie Renbarger. I will do it after the gym workout tonight (I trust).
I like the idea of an outing more and more between Tony & Helen and John & Sherri and Paloma & I. That could prove fun.
I am just slightly worried about 20% of my marriage to Paloma. That’s the sexual-intimacy part. I mean, we’ve kissed sensually enough before—but in terms of actual intercourse, etc. We are virgins amongst each other. Then again, I suppose that’s how it should be before every marriage. I believe in time we’ll grow to a great sexual life. She’s gorgeously sexy. That’s no lie. I so yearn to ‘have’ her, too. I just know I’m going to feel a bit awkward the first time—or else I’m going to have the finest f*&#%k. It’s one or the other. I am sure of it. I like the fact that she has good feminine hygiene in cleanliness and shaving in the right places (and more), etc.
I can tell Dale and Steff don’t want me to marry Paloma. The only doubt I have about the marriage is doing it under these circumstances. (The idea of her being in France and only being able to come back is through me.) The 20% problem I mentioned above is a minor issue. I’ve completely gotten over the Immigration and Naturalization circumstances. That’s really a technicality now that I think about it. We’ve actually been engaged since January 1985 (really). We almost ‘tied the knot’ then. So, I will do what feels RIGHT for me. The right feeling is for me to be with Paloma for the next two years and hopefully the rest of my life if God permits. Our great way of communication and faithfulness permits it all to happen.
"I realize it takes two to make a relationship."
"That's right. One person can't do it all. And when you've realized that and start doing something about it, you're more than halfway toward making a relationship a successful one."
-Nial Kent
"The Divided Path"
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