-actor Alan Rickman's last line in the movie "Nobel Son"
I have been reading the book "The Seven Daughters of Eve" by Bryan Sykes (a professor of genetics at the Institute of Molecular Medicine at Oxford University). He wrote:
We may know our parents, even our grandparents, not far beyond that, for most of us the trail begins to disappear into the mist.
He reminded me of that movie GATTACA when he wrote:
DNA has just four key components. A for adenine, C for cytosine, G for Guanin and T for thymine.
In the 1997 movie, GATTACA, people are cloned. I feel like watching it again:
I plan on writing more about this fascinating book that will ultimately explain how we are all descendants (maternally) from one of seven daughters of Eve (Ursula, Xenia, Helena, Velda, Tara, Katrine, or Jasmine). I just wanted to touch up on an article I just read that was published yesterday (January 7, 2009). It is about ten extinct beasts that could possibly be brought back to life. The writer of the article, Henry Nicholls wrote:
THE recipe for making any creature is written in its DNA. So last November, when geneticists published the near-complete DNA sequence of the long-extinct woolly mammoth, there was much speculation about whether we could bring this behemoth back to life.
Creating a living, breathing creature from a genome sequence that exists only in a computer's memory is not possible right now. But someone someday is sure to try it, predicts Stephan Schuster, a molecular biologist at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, and a driving force behind the mammoth genome project.
Does this mean that one day we can resurrect Sigmund Freud, George Washington, Katherine Hepburn and Clark Gable? It may seem far-fetched but for the right price who knows what will be possible in another hundred years. I would like to have a mini-clone of myself. Seriously! I could teach myself new things. You may read the full article here by Henry Nicholls if you'd like:
Twenty-five years ago today:
January 8, 1984
GEICO Insurance Agency called today. I made arrangements with them to provide me with Auto Insurance over the telephone.
I watched the 49er versus Washington Redskins football game. Then I decided to go bicycle riding (after I shaved my moustache). I also had my haircut by Cheryl (who suggested a 'body wave' for me). What is a body wave?
The bike ride was exceptional and exhilarating. I once again bumped into Susan and Nancy. I casually invited them out for tonight. Susan was driving her car when they saw me on my bike. She didn't say anything when I suggested the outing. Her friend, Nancy, said that she had to go to work now. I asked Nancy where she worked.
"Oh, at El Taco in San Leandro," she said in a not very excited tone.
I told them I would ride my back all that way to chat. So I did and learned that Nancy is only a senior at San Leandro High School (jail bait?). I gave Nancy DeSilva my business card and suggested she call me sometime this week. We'll see if she calls or not.
I found a great Paris poster of an older gentleman on a bicycle with a child on the backseat with a french baguette. I was with mom at Longs Drug Store when it captured me. I had to have it. It was a crowded shopping day. We survived and I was most happy with my new poster.
Once I returned home to my pad I washed clothes. Mom came over to help straighten up a bit, too. She is so darn good to me.
Leslie Fonseca called just when I noticed a message that Sherri had left me:
"Leslie called!"
It is flattering for me as I do really like Leslie. It's just 'the child' that brings about a 'hang up' deep down inside me. I discussed it a bit with Rose Rodarte, a married co-worker.
"It's not so bad that she has a baby," Rose said.
And it is true. I guess it is not a bad thing. It's simply a question of how I truly feel deep down that counts. I guess I would prefer my 'own' kids with my 'own' chick. What can I say? Why waste precious time?
Wake up! Leslie is a nice girl. I may see her again. When she called we talked a while about our day.
"I will call you again tomorrow," I reassured her.
She kind of giggles at times and it sounds like she's a little girl herself. I am seriously infatuated at this point.
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