-Bette Bao Lord
I remember now. I cannot recall the exact words but we all have our memories. It was back in January 1984 when my friend, Michael Padazinski, was thinking of becoming a priest. He had just turned twenty-eight years old.
"What's it all about?" I asked.
He hesitated. He smiled. Did he really know?
"You have to do what's right for you." I advised.
Did I really have any influence on his decision. It makes me think of the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics:
The Law of Attraction teaches that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on. Quantum Physics teaches that nothing is fixed, that there are no limitations, that everything is vibrating Energy. By understanding that everything is Energy in a state of potential and by applying the Law of Attraction to bring into our lives what we focus on, it is never necessary to feel stuck with an undesirable life.
Yesterday, I received a reply to my letter sent on January 5, 2009 after I located Michael Padazinski via my Internet surf search. I was taken aback-in a good way- by how he wrote how I was instrumental in his current status:
20th of January 2009
Dear Michael,
On this, my 53rd birthday, I pen this note.
It is truly a beautiful day; the sun is shining brightly, our new President has taken his oath of office and a new day for our country has dawned. It is a day filled with blessing and hope and I cannot be anything other than optimistic!
I believe it was you who asked: "What's it all about?"
Today, I reflect. I find myself asking that same question. One reason for this is that within the past three weeks, three acquaintances from long ago have unexpectedly reentered in my life--YOU being one of them!
I cannot tell you how profoundly impacted I have been these past few weeks by this happening. All three people have shared pivotal moments in my journey through life and have, in one way or another, been instrumental in helping me become the person I am today.
When I received your card a couple of weeks ago, a flood of memories cascaded through my mind. I remember fondly my time working for Pacific Telephone. That capter in my life afforded me the opportunity to meet some very kind and thoughtful people, such as yourself.
Michael, it was great to receive your note. I look forward to our paths crossing again, reconnecting after many years. In the meantime, know that I wish you only the best of everything.
Twenty-five years ago today:
January 23, 1984, Monday
Helen returned to work today. We caught up on things. I told her how I thought Paloma wanted to get serious. At least that is the impression I am feeling.
I thought I was putting Paloma on the spot when I said, "Of all of the guys you have met since being in California tell me the Top five...and where do I rate?"
"What?" she asked with a puzzling look, "You're the only one."
Then, of course, she laughed aloud making me realize that she was kidding with me.
Who knows? Perhaps she wasn't ready to share her secret list of men.
Once again, Helen Wongs' advice helped me.
"Don't limit yourself, she said, "go out and have some fun."
I especially liked this answer because I was feeling that no one girl had certain qualities that I liked. There was not one that was "A+" because there's always just 'a little' something that misses with me (a smoking habit, head isn't on straight, a sixteen month old child that is not mine, too high-schoolish an attitude, etc.). Sheila seems a tad more grown-up though. She is the youthful bicyclist that I did not see last Saturday (and may never have the opportunity to see again).
After work I came straight home and called Paloma immediately. I suggested we have lunch together tomorrow. The lunch is still 'up in the air'. I munched on a french croissant and some graham crackers. I napped until 8:20pm.
Nancy DeSilva was not home when I called her, so I gave up after the second attempt. I called Paige LeBris and she was not at home either. Her mom thought I was 'Kevin' or another 'Mike'? Beats me. Oh well...
I called Michael Padazinski and we caught up on a few things. He is such a nice guy. I like his company a lot. I am proud to know someone who can take control of his life and make such a step as to actually choose to enter the seminary. We arranged a plan to visit the St. Patrick's Seminary and University in Menlo Park on February 11th (not far from Stanford University). It could prove a rewarding visit. I know it will be interesting to view a touch of a new life. I am semi-interested, but whether I would be able to make that move is highly questionable. I do not think it is very likely. I gave Michael an update on our office happenings. He told me a bit about the Archdiocese of here, there and everywhere. It is 'Another World'.
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