--Michael Bogosian
Is it not interesting how some people reenter your life after much time has passed? You have to wonder if there is a reason someone returns after years gone by.
If some of you have been reading my transcribed entries from my journals of twenty-five years ago you may recall when I wrote:
...Michael Padazinski called. He works in the adjacent department at work (RTOC-Residence Telephone Order Center). We had a good talk. We plan on getting together soon to talk about his big decision to join the seminary... Will he become a priest?
Well, I thought to do a google search on Sunday afternoon (yesterday) and I found out that Michael Padazinski did actually become a priest:
I wrote him a handwritten letter to his San Francisco address today. I’ll let you know if I hear back from him.
Since I found my old friend/priest, Michael, I think I will have to play this one minute tune sung by Bobby Darin for me, him and the quote noted above by Michael Bogosian:
Twenty-five years ago:
January 5, 1984
“Good morning.”
“Good morning,” I repeated.
“Are you going to apologize?” Barbara Reynolds asked.
“For what?”
“Are you going to apologize?” She repeated.
And so, we still have not made up. I am surprised she is still holding a grudge over such a silly thing.
I ate a little lunch today (a turkey-avocado sandwich) with Helen and my brother, Tony. I had another hard-working day and reviewed my long-distance phone calls on my own telephone bill. I had calls made to:
Leah of Danville, CA
George Jones of Sunnyvale, CA
Steve of Cupertino, CA
Bill Helbush of Concord, CA
Jim of Concord, CA.
That was the jest of the long-distance calls that were listed.
I had ordered a bicycle plaque and a lamp via mail-order and the packages were waiting for me at mom and dad’s house.
I found a ‘Love of Information’ poem on my dining table that made sense. I had to keep it.
In my mailbox I received a neat looking BIKE Card from Paige LaBris in Sacramento, CA. I have not written or called her. I will have to put that on my agenda of things to do. She wants to come over for a visit. She is very welcome but I hate to drive up to Sacramento, back home, up again and back! She’ll have to find her own way to get here.
I exercised today and paid a few bills. I can’t wait until next Thursday (PayDay).
Dave Vigil invited me out next Saturday to double-date. It might be fun but who do I have to accompany me? Tammy? Paloma? Leslie? Helen? Suzy? Someone new?
It was funny when I left work today. There’s a parking attendant fellow that I see every day. I just thought I’d mention him in my journal today because I see him all of the time. He always greets me. He seems friendly enough.
Juanita Lane ‘sort of’ talked to me today. We made up. She is happy again (I think). She is still a bit disturbed about the fact that I didn’t get her a Christmas gift. Odd. I told her I would surprise her. We discussed a movie outing but she’s pissed off again because I’ve seen everything she wants to see (Scarface, Silkwood, Gorky Park). Oh well…what can I say?
I told Leslie Fonseca that I’d call her by Friday to see about getting together after 9pm (when she gets out of work). I did receive one phone call tonight from Bill Helbush. He was bored and was trying to talk his friend, Kevin, into seeing “Octopussy” (the movie). He kept saying how bored he has been feeling.
“It will probably all blow over by the end of January,” Bill added.
I guess it is nice that he ‘at least’ gave me a courteous phone call. I should appreciate his thoughtfulness.
I received another call from a “hanger upper”. I think it was Nici Maurino. I saw her today at the “Pot Belly Deli”.
It amazes me how she actually gave a nonchalant, “Hi”.
I returned the greeting and opened the door for her as she left. She actually “asked” me to open the door for her. It was as if her “blow up” attitude during our last date meant nothing. Time does heal wounds. However, the wound I received with that ‘back stabbing experience’ last July 1983 has not completely healed. There is still an unseen scar that reminds me of the event. All of this means something…I know.
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