"Run after me
and I will run away,
Run away
and I will run after you."
-Paloma Sanchez Guerra-Alquier
I am starting to detect early signs of Springtime here in Southern California.
It reminds me of a recent poem that I came across:
The grass may wither, but the roots die not
and when Spring comes it renews its full life;
Only grief, so long as its roots remain,
Even without Spring, is of itself reborn.
-Ch'en Shan-Min,
Sung Dynasty
Twenty-five years ago today
January 25, 1984, Wednesday
I called Paloma at 9am to invite her a 'second time' for lunch on this day.
"I have to be at school at 11:30 today," Paloma declared.
I assume this means I will be taking a rain check for some other time.
Helen was absent again from work. I tried calling her to express concern. She was still asleep. Is she really sick?
I broke down at lunchtime and enjoyed a 'hot dog'. I called mom during my lunch hour.
"What's new, mom?"
"Well, I called Cecelia and told her that I'm going to be a grandma," she said with a bit of laughter.
Abruptly I cleared my throat. "Ah, so the news is out."
I never received a call back from Bill Myers at that San Francisco Placement Center today. What gives? What a flake. It's his loss anyway.
Carol Barling, Assistant Manager at Pacific Telephone, overheard me tell Rose that I received a job offer. She kept trying to eavesdrop. What a nosey wench! I am still curious as to why Carol Barling made print copies of my personal telephone bill. That is my business. I can only wonder if I am even trusted within my own company. It pisses me off. I should question the matter. I will do something if I sense her persistence. I think she hates me or is jealous of me for some reason.
Tomorrow is our conference at the Oakland Hyatt. I can't wait to impress every one with my new business suit.
I filled my 'ARMIJO5' mustang with fuel at the MOBIL station right after work. I heard my phone ringing in the house as I drove into the garage. I missed a call from Chris Cordellos. I believe it was him because he called five minutes later.
"Yeah, I wanted to call to tell you that my back is acting up. It hurts me when I walk," he explained.
Chris has a recurring back problem due to some car accident (I think). He said he was calling from Riverside. It surprised me that he would call long-distance from there.
"I hope you feel better," I said with a touch of empathy.
Chris is a nice guy. He seems to keep to his word. He was to call me today and he actually did.
"I will call you on Friday with the latest chain of events regarding my back and the report from the hospital," Chris promised me.
I ate dinner at mom's and watched the Ronald Reagan State of the Union Address with my Dad.
When I returned to my pad I found a message on my machine from Jackie Woods, the black girl that I met at STARGAZE, a dance club in Fremont, who seems to have a crush on me. I neglected to return her call but I did call Nancy DeSilva once again. Nancy and I made a date for next Saturday, February 4th.
"I might drive by this weekend and see you bike riding, too," she said in her flirtatious way.
I thought quietly to myself, "Yeah, sure...if you're lucky."
We continued the telephone conversation on various subjects such as school, my cousin Patrick Markus, cheer leading, high school sports, Art, Chabot College, exercise, Los Angeles, and southern California beaches. Nancy seems to be a real "Rah Rah type" and a gal who is very much 'on the move'. I shall learn more during our forthcoming date.
I called Helen who explained that she had left work early on Monday because she was vomiting.
"I may not return to work until next week sometime," Helen said.
I will miss her.
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