"Remember...this is a military operation, nothing ever goes according to plan."
--as heard in the movie VALKYRIE
I saw the new Tom Cruise movie, VALKYRIE, yesterday. Alan and I accompanied Mimi to Downtown Napa for the 7pm screening. We all thought it was better than expected.
I did get something out of it (3 Stars from me). Here are a few other lines that I took from it:
"They say when there is no clear option the best thing to do is nothing."
"When they catch you they'll pull you apart like warm bread."
"I say...DO IT!"
"Why remove a madman to have a lunatic in his place?"
The morning DOW US market is up 157 points. That's a good indicator for the first business day of the New Year. Let's just hope there is no BLACK SWAN forthcoming.
The BLACK SWAN theory (in Nassim Nicholas Taleb 's version) refers to a large-impact, hard-to-predict, and rare event beyond the realm of normal expectations. Unlike the philosophical "black swan problem", the "Black Swan" theory (capitalized) refers only to events of large consequence and their dominant role in history.
Today begins the six hour journey from Napa Valley to Los Angeles (back to the beach). I only have time for a bowl of Cheerio's before the road trip begins. Hasta La Vista! (See You Later!)
Twenty-five years ago:
January 2, 1984
At 8am the sun was shining through my window shades. I had to go out to feel the sunshine on my face. I took my bicycle and enjoyed a ride along the beach until about 10am. Then I had to get ready for the lunch date with Leslie Fonseca of San Lorenzo, CA.
I stopped for a pitstop (gasoline) and found Leslie's apartment easily right afterwards. She said she wasn't ready to eat, so we decided on choosing a flick at the Magic Video store. I selected 'PHANTOM", a thriller. We drove to my townhouse and when I drove up to the driveway I found my dad in the garage and my mom was cleaning the house. It was time for introductions. Mom and Dad seemed to like Leslie (and vice versa). My parents didn't stay long as they said they had to go shopping.
Leslie and I proceeded to watch the 'PHANTOM' feature as we lounged on my couch. The movie was scary and made us 'jumpy' in some parts.
It's funny how there's always one flaw in every 'chick'. She either smokes (Paloma); She's too touchy and hot temper oriented (Nici); She doesn't offer that mutual physical attraction (Helen); She is ultra-negative and does not provide enough positive feedback (Suzy); or she has a child (Leslie). What's next? No, I am not perfect either...am I (as I consider my attraction to George Jones)?
Suzy called me but we didn't talk long. Michael Padazinski called. He works in the adjacent department at work (RTOC-Residence Telephone Order Center). We had a good talk. We plan on getting together soon to talk about his big decision to join the seminary. I sense that he is attracted to me. Will he become a priest?
After the movie I took Leslie for a short drive to my parents' home. Leslie had a good chat with my folks once again. We left and ate at MOUNTAIN MIKE'S PIZZA. We actually had a good time. I do enjoy her company. Her intelligence levels seem lower but I think I'm discriminating because of her latin accent. There is a bit of a language barrier. After the pizza meal we took a walk. She seemed to enjoy my company. I don't relish her craving for so many Spanish tunes though.
I met her daughter. She is cute...but am I ready for such a responsibility at this time? I like her a lot but I don't want to get tied down. If it were my own child would it be different? Probably. Who cares? I decided to make another date to see "NOSFERATU" in Berkeley, tomorrow night. I choose such romantic films, don't I? I promised to call her at around 2pm. Who knows what will happen?
Leslie starts classes at CHABOT COLLEGE in Hayward, CA tomorrow.
"You better call...or else," she said.
Then she followed that line with a "just kidding".
Hmmm...she wouldn't have said it if she didn't think it. She is born on April 23rd, a bull-headed Taurus. Is there any point in pursuing?
I told my mom about Leslie's child later that evening. My mom was speechless and dumbfounded. She liked the girls' friendliness and manners.
I found it interesting when Leslie and I were looking through some magazines at a store near MOUNTAIN MIKE'S PIZZA. Leslie saw a nude girl on the cover of a magazine.
"I think the reason girls do this nude posing is because they feel men do not notice them with their clothes on. Also, those girls who wear tons of make-up only wear it to get noticed. And even as they do get noticed it is not a look of envy but of disgust," she stated.
I immediately thought of Tammy Duhr and her heavy make-up. I also recalled Frank's stories of Tammy and her 'sugar daddy'. Frank even mentioned something about the way she walked on the streets of Polk Street.
I called Suzy again tonight. She said she would call me right back. I like Suzy and I wonder if there could ever be a future between us despite her "complaining" over every little thing. And she seems so ultra-religious now. It could be difficult. She surprised me at breakfast the other morning when she reminded me that if we were NOT married by age 30 we would "tie the knot". That's a big question mark? Then again, who knows what the future holds.
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