The photograph of "My Secret Spot" (illustrated here) was recently noticed by someone. The "secret" person bought ten 'greeting cards' of the image recently.
I love knowing that somewhere around the world ten people will be receiving this greeting card. The recipients will never know the location of "My Secret Spot. Alan gets a little 'bent out of shape' because he likes to refer to it as "Our Secret Spot" and I have to admit that it is "Our Spot"; however, the caption title of "My Secret Spot" works better for the individual looking at the photograph. It was taken about two years ago on January 24, 2007 somewhere in the Los Angeles metro region. I refuse to tell you the locale. Sorry. If my blog readers are nice (and ever visit here in Southern California) I may be persuaded to take you to "Our Secret Spot" for a picnic though.
A former co-worker of mine, Jeff Huppert, from Charles Schwab & Co. sent me an email recently that made me laugh. It seems that the Central Intelligence Agency has found a new purpose for Viagra. The secret is out:
US Offers Viagra To Win Over Afghan Warlords
Last update: 12/26/2008 11:30:27 AMWASHINGTON (AFP)
--CIA agents are offering the potency drug Viagra, made by Pfizer Inc. (PFE), and other gifts to win over Afghan warlords in the U.S.-led war against Taliban insurgents, the Washington Post reported Friday.Paying for information is nothing new for the Central Intelligence Agency, but officers have started employing unusual incentives to persuade Afghan local leaders to share intelligence about the Taliban's movements, the Post wrote, citing unnamed sources in the spy service.
"Whatever it takes to make friends and influence people - whether it's building a school or handing out Viagra," one CIA operative who has worked in Afghanistan was quoted as saying. CIA agents have offered pocket knives and tools, toys and school equipment, travel visas, medical services including surgeries and sometimes the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra for Afghan chieftains, the paper said.The aging chieftains often have up to four wives and are open to the Viagra pill as a way to "put them back in an authoritative position," said another official. More customary bribes such as cash and weapons can create problems, because guns fan fall into the wrong hands and a sudden influx of cash can draw too much attention, agents told the paper. Four Viagra pills transformed the attitude of one influential 60-year-old warlord who had been wary of the U.S.
"He came up to us beaming," one official told the Post."And after that we could do whatever we wanted in his area."
(END) Dow Jones NewswiresDecember 26, 2008 11:30 ET
I remember back around 1980 I was so intrigued by the Central Intelligence Agency that I wanted to work for them. I read a few books and managed to secure an interview with the CIA in San Francisco, CA. I was this aspiring, ambitious 21-year old walking up the steps of the US Federal Building feeling like such a "hot shot" for even getting the interview. I think my 'cover letter' made them take notice after I denoted specific quotes from some non-fiction CIA books that were public. They had no idea someone would actually read one that was published some time ago on what they thought was 'top secret'.
After the first interview I returned to California State University, Sacramento to take a cognitive, psychological test on behalf of the CIA. I was so good at taking these psychological tests. It was obvious what answers they were looking for. For instance, a list of hundreds of occupations were listed. The question was which of these positions could I do efficiently and effectively. I obviously checked every occupation. After all, if I was a secret agent I would have to be able to appear to do any job at any time.
The second interview was too scary. They were interested in me for a position as "analytical specialist". He made me paranoid. My dream job as Joseph Turner (The Condor) was coming true. Did you see the movie "Three Days of The Condor", starring Robert Redford that was released in November 1975?
"Don't be alarmed if you start to notice someone surveilling you over the next couple of weeks. It is standard procedure," the CIA interviewer had said.
My next contact was to inform them that I would simply be finishing my next two semesters of college and that I would contact them to pursue my interest with the Agency. I never did call them back. Just think, if I had called them back. Today, I might be pushing "Viagra pills" to persuade Middle Eastern warlords.
Speaking of Robert Redford, I have to share a moment from back on August 2, 2000 when I had the opportunity to meet actress, Brenda Blethyn, at a book and movie promotional signing of "Saving Grace" (a good movie) in Santa Monica, CA. I persuaded Alan to go with me. I so loved Brenda in the film "Secrets & Lies". It's a 'must see' (more "secrets"). If you can spare eight minutes you can see her in action here:
I'll never forget what Brenda said to me on that day.
"Oh my, you rather look just like Robert Redford, you know," she blurted as she was signing the 'Saving Grace' poster.
"I do?" I asked with a sudden look of surprise as I tried to hide my laughter.
"Yes," she said, "you do!"
Now granted she acted with him in the 1992 film, 'A River Runs Through It', but I didn't see what she was seeing. Perhaps it was the sunlight in her eyes and/or my hairstyle of the day.
Twenty-five years ago
January 4, 1984
I still did not say one word to Barbara Reynolds while at work on this day. I think she is acting childish to be mad over such a minor thing of my "chatterboxing" with Salima.
After a hard days' work I waited until about 6:15pm when I realized Kevin Ward of Scott's Models was not going to call me. I left home to Suzy Miller's apartment where we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at Mexicali Rose on Webster Street. We had another good chat about her new beau, Jim.
"I don't want to get too serious with Jim because I don't know if I really like him all that much," Suzy said.
I discussed Leslie Fonseca with Suzy. We went on about the 'dangers of the modeling scene', Pacific Telephone, AT&T, and the French film 'DIVA' that we may watch together on Friday at my house.
When we finished dinner we did some browsing of music at the local RECORD FACTORY. We settled at Suzy's apartment for an episode of 'DYNASTY'. Jim popped in to see her and we chatted a little. I left after the TV show.
Once I arrived home I found my brother John there with Sherri. They were watching 'Hotel' on TV. I watched some of it with them as we discussed trivial matters about TV personalities. They left and I turned in.
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