-inside a fortune cookie
My daughter, Arianna, and her boyfriend, Nick, flew out of Los Angeles in late October 2008. They are on a 6 month to 1 year adventure of working and living abroad in Australia. They keep me informed via an imaginative and occasional email. I don't think they'll be too upset if I post this most recent one received on December 23, 2008. I loved the imagination and the cleverness of it:
As I am very far away, in an Australian summer... I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Love Always~
P.S. Nick and I wrote you a holiday greeting:
'Twas the night before Christmas and all 'cross the shore,
Not a noise could be heard 'cept for the surf's roar.
The swimsuits were hung from the roof rack with care,
In hopes they'd soon dry in the warm salty air.
The wombats were nestled all snug in their lair,
While Ari and Nick washed the sand from their hair.
All ready for bed and clean from the tap,
We climbed in the tent for a midsummer's nap.
When out on the beach there rose such a clatter,
We zipped out the tent to see what was the matter.
Away to the ocean, we ran in a flash,
Losing our shoes, down the dunes in our dash.
The moon on the crest of each new wave,
An image of wondrous beauty, it gave.
But what to our wandering eyes should appear,
But eight kangaroo and a sleigh drawing near.
With a little old rider, so sun burnt and tan,
We knew in a moment it must be the jolly swagman.
More rapid than seagulls, his kangas they came,
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name:
"Now Bounder, Now Hopper, Now Jumper and Bouncin',
On Joey, On Skippy, On Springer and Pouncin'."
To the top of the dune they followed his call,
Now bound away, bound away, bound away all.
Like sea foam blown from the cyclone's eye,
When it crashes ashore and blasts to the sky,
Right up on the car the kangas, they hop,
With a sleigh full of toys and Santa on top.
And then with a scraping, we heard from their paws,
Ripping and scratching the paint with their claws.
So with a leap and a bound, Santa jumped off the car,
Down to the ground, which was not very far.
He was dressed in his best red bathing costume,
So tight that his figure, one needn't assume.
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a bushman just opening his sack.
His eyes how they twinkle, his dimples how merry,
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.
With a smile so big it lit up the land,
And the beard on his chin was as white as the sand.
Like any good Aussie, he smelled strongly of beer,
Which helped to explain all his good cheer.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That was clearly the result of far too much telly.
He was chubby and plump, not your average surf man,
And we found ourselves laughing at his farmer's tan.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave us to know, we had nothing to dread.
He spoke not a word but went straight to work,
Filled the boot full of presents, then turned with a jerk,
To the meat pies, which he ate, even licking the plate,
And grabbing the roof rack, he hoisted his weight.
Flopping into his sleigh, in the most elegant way,
He called out to the 'roos, to start hopping away,
And we heard him exclaim 'ere they bounced out of sight,
"Merry Christmas to all and may all eat vegemite!"
Twenty-five years ago today:
January 1, 1984
I am waking up early regularly these days. I hopped on my bicycle after a nutritious breakfast at mom's house. My bike is my 'best friend'. The QUAKE FM-99 tunes help me collect my thoughts as I ride like the wind. Yes, 'Ride Like the Wind' is a favorite song.
By 2pm I was home again. Leslie Fonseca, the CARROWS restaurant hostess surprisingly called me! She is sweet. I thought I heard a baby crying in the background as I spoke to her. I asked if she was babysitting.
"No, it's her daughter," she said.
That sure was not thrilling news. I guess I tried to pretend I had not heard that fact. I'm not prepared for the IFP (Immediate Family Plan).
"I am from Nicaragua," Leslie added after I asked where she was from because of her strong, sexy accent.
"Would you like to go out for lunch tomorrow?" I asked excitedly.
"Yes," she quickly replied with a giggle.
I knew I had promised to call Bill Helbush to see what we might do together but it's just as well. I really think I'd rather see Leslie and get to know someone new.
That evening as I was getting ready for dinner at Salima's house in Concord, CA I decided to call Bill Helbush.
"I went over to the Moscone Center in San Francisco today and I saw Tammy Duhr there with that guy, Sean," Bill said.
"Oh really? Frank had told me he was going there, too. I'm glad I didn't go," I told Bill as I explained how I would not have enjoyed the "vibes".
"I loved being there. I can see that is the fine line where we are different," he said.
"Yeah, whatever," I replied.
"Do you think Tammy is a transvestite?" Bill asked.
I couldn't believe he asked such a question. What a creep. I just can't believe how he blurts out rude things behind ones back.
Before I knew it I was ringing the doorbell to Salima's apartment. Her son answered the door and the little young boy looked half-white. He was quite the nice little chap. Salima's husband, Michael, was there. I was surprised to also find Salima's sister, Saeeda, there. We all had a cordial, pleasant time. We ate chile, shrimp, coleslaw, cornbread, rice followed by apple pie and ice-cream.
We watched a double-feature. They were two repeats for me but still enjoyable the second time around.
and PORKY's
I left Concord and arrived home by 1:30am. So far it's a Happy New Year...No credit card usage and no sex.
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