And now I know why I really felt like I was turning Japanese when I was touring Japan in December 2004 (as per my impromptu photo illustrated here while waiting for a high speed train in Tokyo).

This is a fascinating discovery for me:
My DNA cousin, John Earl Spencer, gave me some new insight yesterday after I had just received some newly completed deep clade results on my DNA. I learned that my haplotype is "R1b1b2a1b". A haplotype is a genotype of genetically linked loci that are inherited in a block as a single unit.
A haplogroup is further defined as all the male descendants of the single person who first showed a particular mutation, called a SNP. These special mutations are extremely rare, and identify a group of people over a period of tens of thousands of years. Your haplogroup assignment indicates which part of the phylogenetic tree of male Homo Sapiens you descend from.
I had already traced my first known Armijo descendant to the Basque region of SPAIN in the small beach resort town of Laredo, Spain where an ARMIJO is buried in a cemetary. This new bloodline development tells me that my roots actually descend some 40,000 years ago to Western Asia. The countries in Western Asia are not limited to Japan, Singapore or South Korea, of course. Western Asia includes other countries like Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, UAE(United Arab Emirates) and Yemen.

John E Spencer sent me a source from that provided the following R1b information:
You belong to haplogroup R1b, The Artisans, who first arrived in Europe from west Asia about 35,000- 40,000 years ago at the dawning of the Aurignacian culture. This cultural was remarkable for its subtle yet significant technological progress, like the shift from random flint collection to the use of a single stone core to shape flint tools as needed. Aurignacian decorative beads and jewelry could also be the first sign we have of the uniquely human quality of self-awareness and adornment. Additionally, some anthropologists believe that the Aurignacian culture was the first to paint. Either way, the people of this time period left behind fascinating cave paintings in France, Spain and Portugal.
Other experts believe that the Perigordian culture was prevalent at the time when the Artisans first arrived in Europe. This culture distinguished itself with different technological advances, such as denticulate tools with saw-tooth notches for cutting meat or wood and for smoothing and polishing.
There are several known subgroups of R1b. We're not yet able to tell you which (if any) of these subpopulations you match to, so we'll tell you a little about a few of them. Population genetics is a rapidly advancing field, and new data may allow us to match your DNA to a specific subgroup in the future.
One subgroup of the Artisans, R1b3 (sometimes called R1b1c) is associated with the Cro-Magnons. Based on archaeological excavations, particularly in France, it's believed that the Cro-Magnons wove clothes, built huts and painted.
The Ice Age may have played a role in the dispersion of the Artisans. At the peak of the Ice Age a European ice shelf extended as far as southern Ireland, mid England and northern Germany, completely covering Scandinavia.
Most of continental Europe was tundra and the land only supported trees as far south as southern France, northern Italy and areas north of the Balkans and across the Black Sea. Thus, the Artisans most likely moved south of the tree line for their resources, making permanent homes where their descendants remained even when the ice shelf receded. Others returned north once resources were again available.
About 70% of individuals currently residing in southern England are members of the Artisans.
Other members can be found at high rates in the modern day populations of Spain, Portugal, France, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Based on this observation and other archeological and historical information, it is likely that your ancient ancestors also populated these areas. The Artisans include a genetic group known as the Atlantic Modal Haplotype (AMH), which features greatly among the Irish and Welsh populations.
Some researchers believe that the genes associated with the AMH moved with the early Celtic migrations. Although ancient ancestral Celts were a diverse group and varied in many ways, certain mythologies are consistent throughout most Celtic traditions, despite geographic or tribal boundaries. More than 300 Celtic deities have been described, many of which are reflected in classic Roman counterparts. The god Lugh (or Lugus) may have played an important role among those deities. Folklore and storytelling has infused Lugh's character with magic and fantasy, given him credit for thunder and lightening, and placed his stage in the sky. The widespread acceptance of Lugh in Celtic culture is supported by the use of his name as the root of city names. Lyon, the present day city in southeastern France was called Lugdunum in Roman times. The city of Leiden in south Holland may also have its roots in the name of the god.
R1b1c4 and R1b1c6 are very specific Artisan subsections found primarily in Basque populations, but also in Catalan, Spanish, French, British and German populations.
A unique modern day population, the Basque people self-identify as a discrete ethnic group in north-central Spain and southwestern France. Early Basque culture was basically democratic and their pre-Christian religion was formed around a superior female goddess, Mari. A rich mythology of Basque creatures and characters includes imps, giants, dragons, soothsayers and other nature-based deities. Traditional Basque cuisine was dictated by the mountains and sea surrounding Basque country. Lamb, fish and beans are typical ingredients of a Basque meal. The language associated with the Basque people is euskara, which linguists believe exists in a family by itself, and is not related to English or other western European languages. Members of the Artisans can be found at high rates in South America. Populations geneticists ascribe this finding to the movement of peoples from Iberia to South America over the last 500 years.
I felt a need to document this information in my blog today. What I want to know now is if I have any claims to oil fields. Smiles.
Twenty-five years ago today:
January 14, 1984
Today was a nice, relaxing Saturday.
Gilbert did--in fact--call me at 10am.
"What happened to you last night," Gilbert asked with tension and concern in his voice.
"I just couldn't stay there any I left," I replied.
"I don't think I can trust you any more."
"I'm sorry you feel that way but there were a couple of people bugging me and I had to get out."
Gilbert was still stressed from my response and said he had to get off of the phone and think about it.
As far as I was concerned he can think all he wants. It's very much his loss, not mine.
I went cycling after a homemade pancake breakfast at Mom's house. I saw Suzy Miller walking along the beach when I rode by on my bike. We talked and I confided in her about the $2000 proposition from Gilbert last Wednesday night.
She laughed.
Suzy then gave a 'thumbs up' yes to next Saturday night. It will include David, Stevie and his friends. There will be ten of us. It should be fun.
I took a nap after the bike excursion. After seeing my brother, John, on a Saturday it would make any one feel lazy.
Bill Helbush called and invited me to San Francisco tomorrow to look through some shops. I was not ready for another San Francisco scene, so I passed. I gave some excuse about having plans with a friend to see a movie.
By the time Saturday night arrived I had made up another excuse to my cousin, Sandy Gallegos, about going out for a movie. Instead I chose to stay with my 'mom and dad' and watch the 1981 Kathleen Turner classic, "Body Heat"
and an episode of the situation comedy, "Mama's Family".
That sums up my Saturday night...but I had a great time just being with mom & dad.
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