"The poorer you are, the worse the impact is."
-Bill Gates
Happy Chinese New Year! It is today, January 26, 2009.
Today is also the day that Bill Gates published his first annual letter on behalf of his goals and accomplishments for The Gates Foundation.
Bill Gates' twin passions are:
1. Health and Development in the poorest nations
2. Education in America
Page 9 of his 2009 Annual Letter gives his views of the current economic crisis:
I love that the GATES FOUNDATION provides jobs for those who want to help. I honor and believe in their cause.
Twenty-five years ago today:
January 26, 1984
I was so slicked up in my new blue suit. I looked rather dashing (if I do say so myself). When I arrived at the Hyatt for the conference I wanted to sit next to Barbara Reynolds. However, Don ‘the dork’ Starkey took over and gave my hopeful seat to “Cookie”. What the hell! I sat next to Dana Mitchell and Linda Leyman (the ex-nun!). It was a fun filled day despite all of the formalities.
I was appointed team captain for my group. Most everyone applauded and loved my presentation. I am glad. I thought I got a bit ‘shaky’—for some reason. It had been a while since I was up in front of a live audience. One tends to feel that stage fright. Then when you’re in action and it all seems to be working out it makes you feel confident and more relaxed.
During the entire conference I felt good vibes about Pacific Bell. It seems I will get recognized for management eventually. I did share a few ambitious words with Nancy Guzman, so who knows. I do plan on submitting some future ideas for the company. I feel I am truly getting noticed this time. I have to devise a great strategy. I know it.
I went up and had a drink or two up at The Toppers Bar at the Hyatt afterwards. It was fun.
When I arrived home I changed into something comfortable and called Paloma at 6pm.
“So, do you still feel like the I-BEAM,” I asked Paloma per the telephone.
“Yes, of course,” she said with a tone of surprise.
“Great. I’ll be over there by 8:30 to pick you up,” I said excitedly.
I exercised a good while when Bill Helbush called ‘out of the blue’. We seemed to be chatting about ‘nothing’.
“So why haven’t you called me?” Bill finally questioned his real reason for his call.
“I’ve just been busy with work and all. Have you been to the skating rink lately?” I asked.
“Yeah, I just happened to talk to George Jones last week and the week before. We were talking about you,” he blurted, knowing I would find this interesting.
My voice was gruff, as if I had just dined on pretzel sticks. “You were?”
“Yeah, we talked about you and your hang-ups, problems and what have you,” Bill said.
“Oh really…tell me the details,” I urged.
Laughter came from his voice. “It’s something we’d have to discuss face-to-face,” he retorted.
Should I have been appalled? No. I refused to weaken. I just wonder what George may have said.
“Okay Bill, I’ll call you on Sunday Day and maybe we can get together to talk more about it,” I replied.
Besides I have Bill’s shirt to return.
Frank Vasconcellos called soon afterwards to report of his love for some girl named Laura.
“We should have a threesome,” he suggested.
Now that’s an idea with the right third party I thought.
“Tammy is still going out a lot lately,” Frank said loudly as if he was sharing a secret.
“Oh yeah,” I replied as if I were interested.
“That Bill guy tried to proposition me last Tuesday at the rink,” Frank added, “he seems overly sleazy.”
I listened with interest.
“I wonder about him. I’m afraid I might catch something from him,” Frank continued.
“It’s a possibility…I’ll say,” I laughed.
It was time to leave for Paloma when the telephone rang once more. This time it was Chris Cordellos, calling from Riverside. He called to tell me he was being admitted to USC Medical Center tomorrow. He mentioned a possible disc and splinter problems with his back. It sounded painful. I hope he gets better.
Soon I found myself driving into ‘The City’ with Paloma. The traffic congestion was frightening even though Paloma’s gasps and reactions were even more frightful. We finally reached the I-BEAM Dance club.
Paloma and I danced non-stop. I can feel that we dance and ‘move’ well together. A few guys were giving Paloma the eye and it made me jealous. Then again I noticed some guys giving me the eye, too. Strange place…let me tell you! It had great music and such neat videos.
I felt like I was driving forever. My back was killing me, so it’s no wonder that Chris’ back is out of whack after driving from Concord to Riverside! I finally arrived in Berkeley to drop Paloma off at home only to learn that Paloma was locked out of the house! The night was over after her finale kiss.
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